"Chronology","Redirect","Name","dc-title","dc-date","dc-description","dc-publisher","Icon","dc-subject","UserLevel","dc-creator","Id","Type","Collection" "","","E-F 12-14.1","a) Undisturbed filling of the building","12 March-6 April 1935; 7 May 1935","P 5302 may be from disturbed fill (""soft spot"", container B 57, nbp. 1246).","","","","","","Agora:Deposit:E-F 12-14.1","Deposit","Agora" "Ca. 350-294 B.C.","","F 11:2","Well","5 April-8 May 1934","Well associated with the Tholos, with scanty use fill but primarily dumped filling.","","","","","","Agora:Deposit:F 11:2","Deposit","Agora" "Ca. 430-420 B.C.","","F 14:2","Closed Deposit","1 March 1932","Small compact deposit. Cutting.","","","","","","Agora:Deposit:F 14:2","Deposit","Agora" "Ca. 490-450 B.C.","","F 19:4","Well","2-19 May 1939","This filling is the largest deposit of its time found in the Agora. It may be compared with H 6:5 and with N 7:3. ; Dug in soft bedrock to a depth of 11.40m; footholds cut on opposite sides of the shaft reached only to 5m. The lowest filling, from 10.75m to bottom, consisting of bedrock fallen from the sides of the well, contained little or no pottery. The main filling was apparently a single deposit, but the amount of pottery found varied appreciably at different depths, the heaviest concentration being a little over half way down, from 6.40m to 7m.; An ample supply of water, encountered (in may) at a depth of 5.30m, along with the relatively sound condition of the rock walls, suggested that the well could have been used.","","Agora:Image:2007.11.1127::/Agora/2007/2007.11/2007.11.1127.tif::3066::2901","","","","Agora:Deposit:F 19:4","Deposit","Agora" "Ca. 520-480 B.C.","","F 19:5","Unfinished Well Shaft","3-4 May 1939","A well on the NW slope of the Areopagus; unfinished well-shaft dug to a depth of only 3.05m., and refilled with broken pottery and other debris. The shaft clearly was begun with the intention of digging a well, since footholds were cut in the sides; the reason for the abandonment was not clear; the rock appeared quite suitable for well-sinking. The filling, 490-480 B.C. and earlier, might however suggest that external circumstances interrupted the project; the neighboring shaft, F 19:4, would then represent a slightly later attempt to provide water supply in this vicinity.; ; ""The two fills (Fill I to 1.75m.; and Fill II, 1.75-3.05m.) appear to be contemporary"" (deposit nb.). No subdivisions given.","","","","","","Agora:Deposit:F 19:5","Deposit","Agora" "Second quarter 6th. c.","","A 17:2","Well in Industrial Area of Areopagus","12-25 July 1947","A well in the industrial area of the Areopagus, about 7.00m. west of the West Bath, to a depth of 14.60m. This well was the direct successor to A 17:1, replacing it when it collapsed. The use filling at the very bottom contained the black figured amphora P 18348 (Hesp. 17 (1948), p. 184, pl. 65, 1) and a well head (P 18853, Hesp. 18 (1949), p. 125, no. 8). Above this the shaft was filled with pure dug bedrock almost to the top. The earth filling of the top 1.90m., where the walls of the well had broken out to form a pit, contained very scanty pottery, of the same date as that of the use filling. Use filling, second quarter of sixth c. B.C., the last half. Dumped filling of same date.","","Agora:Image:2008.18.0283::/Agora/2008/2008.18/2008.18.0283.tif::2829::2886","","","","Agora:Deposit:A 17:2","Deposit","Agora" "","","A 17:2.1","Pit above well","","Diam. ca. 2.00m.","","","","","","Agora:Deposit:A 17:2.1","Deposit","Agora" "Ca. 425-400 B.C. and earlier","","G 18:1","Well","17 May-14 June 1939; 11-20 March 1940","Dumped filling in a well on the west slope of the Areopagus (apparently separate, no mends between them, but differing little in date) the bottom filling apparently thrown in towards the beginning of the last quarter of the fifth century, the middle and top fillings near the end of the century, but all containing considerable material earlier than the lower limit. The deposit cannot be used for close dating except for the lower limit, ca. 415-410 B.C.. [LT, 17 May 1954, deposit summaries].; ; Apparently never used as a water supply. Three separated dumped fillings were noted, divided by layers of earth and mud; all were dumped in at about the same time, but each had somewhat distinctive characteristics.","","","","","","Agora:Deposit:G 18:1","Deposit","Agora"