"Id","UserLevel","dc-publisher","Icon","Collection","Name","dc-subject","dc-description","Redirect","Type","dc-title","Chronology","dc-date","dc-creator" "Agora:Deposit:M-N 15:1","","","","Agora","M-N 15:1","","South Stoa II Construction Fill.; ; About 85 stamped amphora handles, many with parallels in building fills of Middle Stoa and Stoa of Attalos. Fragments of long-petal bowls confirm date after mid-2nd c. Types 25 A', 33 A, 35 B, and 44 A lamps. Most of bowls figured; one mold.","","Deposit","South Stoa II: Building Fill","To ca. 140 B.C.","","" "Agora:Deposit:N 20:7","","","","Agora","N 20:7","","At 67/ΙΗ, at the northeast slope of the Areopagus.; Cistern with drawshaft, 4.60m deep. The drawshaft had been cleared to bottom in the eighteenth or nineteenth century, and some of the fill in the main chamber removed. Upper fill, fill in drawshaft, and fill in connecting tunnel Turkish; some Turkish disturbance in lower fill.; ; Nine stamped amphora handles. Latest coin dates to 2nd or 1st c. Large numbers of bowls (49). No long-petal bowls.","","Deposit","Cistern at 67/ΙΗ","Most second half of 3rd c. B.C.","15 February-4 March 1938","" "Agora:Deposit:P 21:4","","","","Agora","P 21:4","","Cistern at 53/ΝΕ, bottle-shaped, stucco-lined, in the east aisle of the peristyle of Roman House H (courtyard of Greek House G, just west of andron).; Lower diameter 2.73m.; Homogenous fill all apparently deposited at one time, traces of burning on much of the pottery. No discernible period of use fill.; Particularly fine series of Megarian bowls. Pottery similar to H.A.T.'s Group C/ D. No long petal-Megarian bowls from within cistern.","","Deposit","Cistern at 53/NE","Into early 2nd century B.C.","27 April-7 May 1971","" "Agora:Image:2012.78.0201","","","Agora:Image:2012.78.0201::/Agora/2012/2012.78/2012.78.0201.jpg::2048::1377","Agora","2012.78.0201 (91-18-26)","","AMS","","Image","Black Glaze Bowl Fragment","","","" "Agora:Image:2012.78.0205","","","Agora:Image:2012.78.0205::/Agora/2012/2012.78/2012.78.0205.jpg::2048::1377","Agora","2012.78.0205 (91-18-30)","","AMS","","Image","Black Glaze Bowl","","","" "Agora:Image:2012.78.0206","","","Agora:Image:2012.78.0206::/Agora/2012/2012.78/2012.78.0206.jpg::2048::1377","Agora","2012.78.0206 (91-18-31)","","AMS","","Image","Black Glaze Bowl","","","" "Agora:Image:2012.78.0239","","","Agora:Image:2012.78.0239::/Agora/2012/2012.78/2012.78.0239.jpg::2048::1377","Agora","2012.78.0239 (91-19-27)","","AMS","","Image","Black Glaze Bowl","","","" "Agora:Image:2012.83.0371","","","Agora:Image:2012.83.0371::/Agora/2012/2012.83/2012.83.0371.jpg::2048::1334","Agora","2012.83.0371 (97-15-20)","","AMS","","Image","Black Glaze Bowls, P 13681, P 13678, P 13677","","",""