"Chronology","dc-title","Type","Name","UserLevel","dc-date","dc-publisher","Collection","dc-creator","Id","dc-subject","Redirect","dc-description","Icon" "","Crossroads Well","Deposit","J 5:1","","14 June-27 July 1971","","Agora","","Agora:Deposit:J 5:1","","","Located at the bifurcation of the Panathenaic Way and West Road.Byzantine fill (9th-10th century) in upper 5.70m. with a series of Classical to Hellenistic accumulations below.","Agora:Image:2007.11.1126::/Agora/2007/2007.11/2007.11.1126.tif::3504::2053" "","Crossroads Enclosure","Deposit","J 5:2","","12-18 August 1971; 9-10 May 1972","","Agora","","Agora:Deposit:J 5:2","","","Enclosure within Roman Circular Building. The finds apparently reflect the entire area inside the enclosure. Pottery lot ΒΓ 515 identifies the deposit as layer 10 and coin #895 from layer 11 says ""layer below the deposit"".","Agora:Image:2009.05.0020::/Agora/2009/2009.05/2009.05.0020.tif::679::893" "4th c. B.C.","Pyre","Deposit","J 2:26","","25 July-6 August 2007","","Agora","Mike Laughy","Agora:Deposit:J 2:26","Archaic-Classical","","This pyre was found within an otherwise mostly sterile fill directly under a white floor surface in the southern section of Area IV. It was located ca. 0.50m. east of a similar deposit, Pyre J 2:25. The pots were mixed with heavy concentrations of charcoal and found across an area measuring 0.47-0.50m, east to west, 0.31-0.43m, north to south.; XRF analysis indicated that the lead levels associated with this pyre far exceed typical levels seen in most fill and fill associated with Pyre J 2:25, located just to West.","Agora:Image:2013.09.0030::/Agora/2013/2013.09/2013.09.0030.tif::4248::1904" "","Protogeometric/Early Geometric Well","Deposit","J 3:8","","27 June 2001; 17 July 2002","","Agora","David Scahill","Agora:Deposit:J 3:8","Excavations | 2002 | Trenches | Scahill | Well J 3:8","","Protogeometric/Early Geometric well under floors in Room 1, Classical Building II, on north side of south ashlar wall. See J 3:9 for the burial within this well.; ; Cf. Hesperia Suppl. 50 (2018), p. 106, n. 10.","Agora:Image:2007.11.0787::/Agora/2007/2007.11/2007.11.0787.tif::2230::1460" "Geometric","Burial within Well","Deposit","J 3:9","","17-24 July 2002","","Agora","David Scahill","Agora:Deposit:J 3:9","","","Burial in Geometric well (J 3:8), in Classical Building II, Room I, next to south ashlar wall.","Agora:Image:2002.09.0026::/Agora/2002/2002.09/2002.09.0026.tif::1500::2271" "LHIII A:1","Chamber Tomb Below Floor of Room 2 of Classical Building II","Deposit","J-K 2:2","","3 July 1998; 27-29 July 1999; 13-21 June 2001; 23 July 2001","","Agora","David Scahill","Agora:Deposit:J-K 2:2","Excavations | 2001 | Trenches | Scahill | Tomb J-K 2:2","","Below packed clay floors in Room 2 of Classical Building II; bordered on east and south sides by polygonal cross wall and back wall extension for Classical Building. Late Roman wall and drain installation above west side. Chamber cut into soft bedrock, depth ca. 50.926msl, diameter ca. 2m. roughly square.; ; Upper part of tomb cut away by leveling for floors of Classical Building. Loose fill of stones and earth with large number of Geometric sherds ranging from Protogeometric to late Geometric in date, from top of cutting extending down into layer of tomb contents. At floor of tomb, concentration of bone fragments and pots, mostly broken in situ, concentrated against the north side of the tomb, with some bone fragments across the middle, and on the south side with more pots. Decoration appears to be mostly LHIII A:1 with some possibly earlier motifs. Both decorated and undecorated wares. Toward the west against the north side, a bronze dagger and spear point.","Agora:Image:1998.01.0006::/Agora/1998/1998.01/1998.01.0006.tif::1515::928" "Byzantine","Square Byzantine Well South of Middle Stoa Pier 21","Deposit","O 13:3","","13-27 May 1953","","Agora","","Agora:Deposit:O 13:3","","","Square Byz. Well South of Middle Stoa Pier 21 (Iliad Well)","Agora:Image:2004.01.0642::/Agora/2004/2004.01/2004.01.0642.tif::1834::1193" "Ca. 400-375 B.C.","Filling","Deposit","D 17:6","","14-15 June 1949","","Agora","","Agora:Deposit:D 17:6","","","Hole at 57/ΛΣΤ = Pottery Dump at 57/ΛΣΤ. May well have accumulated on the spot where it was found, its fragmentary state being attributable to the later rubble wall laid over it. ; Cf. also P 19982 (ΟΟ 1047) from fill above.","Agora:Image:1997.18.0187::/Agora/1997/1997.18/1997.18.0187.tif::953::537"