"dc-creator","Collection","UserLevel","dc-description","Icon","dc-title","dc-date","Type","Chronology","Redirect","Id","dc-publisher","Name","dc-subject" "","Agora","","Complete but unfinished.; Life-sized herm with portrait head of a man with short curly hair and himation falling over left shoulder. ; Measuring points on chin and hair. Arm sockets not yet cut.; Chisel and drill work only, no rasp. Eyes plain.; Pentelic marble.","Agora:Image:2016.05.0996::/Agora/2016/2016.05/2016.05.0996.tif::4912::6087","Portrait Herm","15 June 1959","Object","","","Agora:Object:S 2056","","S 2056","" "","Agora","","Nose damaged. Back part of head broken away.; Wavy hair parted at center and held by a fillet with point at center front.; Probably from a herm. Cf. National Museum 486, which is a head of similar style.; Pentelic marble.","Agora:Image:2016.07.0083::/Agora/2016/2016.07/2016.07.0083.tif::3147::3349","Head of Boy","15 June 1959","Object","Early Roman (?).","","Agora:Object:S 2057","","S 2057","" "","Agora","","Complete with only minor fractures; life-size.; Short hair lying close to head. Mustache and light beard. Drapery hides right arm and hand held across chest.; Pupils drilled, irises outlined by incision. ; Pentelic marble.; ; ***Sliver of bust in Study Collections Case No. 19-8","Agora:Image:2013.04.9171::/Agora/2013/2013.04/2013.04.9171.tif::3618::4080","Portrait Bust of Male Figure","17 June 1959","Object","3rd c. A.D.","","Agora:Object:S 2062","","S 2062","" "","Agora","","Head missing.; Life-sized, draped female bust.; Pentelic marble.","Agora:Image:2022.03.0110::/Agora/2022/2022.03/2022.03.0110.tif::2048::1626","Bust of Draped Female Figure","17 June 1959","Object","","","Agora:Object:S 2063","","S 2063","" "","Agora","","Two joining fragments from shoulder. Combat scene: warrior striding right with round shield and raised spear; part of opponent's Boeotian shield; between, part of fallen warrior with round shield. Added red and white. Devices: ball and wreath.","Agora:Image:2004.01.0799::/Agora/2004/2004.01/2004.01.0799.tif::1764::1163","Black Figure Hydria Fragment","16 July 1959","Object","","","Agora:Object:P 26629","","P 26629","" "","Agora","","Two panels: ; A: Fragments a, c, e, h. ; a) From right side of panel; lower part of male figure walking left in chlamys (dotted edge) away from a column, holding something. In field in front of him part of letter(?); at left, the lower part of a staff(?). At right, red line, narrow black edge of panel and trace of another edge (or the beginning of the panel on the opposite side(?); not a red line.; c) Part of a double door with embossed edge and two plinths below, or reversed, two plinths of the entablature (possibly also, part of woman's drapery?).; e) Depicts cloak with decorated edge.; h) Preserved red line from the bottom of the panel and two wide red lines under the picture. ; B: Fragments b, d, f, g, i.; b) and d): Parts of three figures on a triple ground line. The first is the left leg of a man to right; the toe barely touches the ground. Behind, the letters of an inscription running vertically. Facing him, on his left knee, another man (left knee and foot and lower part of right leg). At the right facing left, the toe (in outline) of a figure to left. Two broad red lines below the picture. ; f) The lower right corner of the panel, with the triple ground line and the glazed (red?) line at the right inner edge of the panel. Two red bands below. ; g) From lower wall, with the tip of a ray (above the foot). Two red bands above this zone. ; i) Bit of black glazed fragment with possible traces of red. ; j) and k) Black glazed fragments. ; ; Red for the cloak, plinth of base, two flutes of column, line at side of panel on fragment a). On c) Main panel of door; e) Main part of cloak; b), d), f), h), i): Red lines under picture.; White for dots on cloak on fragment a).","Agora:Image:2012.71.0788::/Agora/2012/2012.71/2012.71.0788.jpg::2048::1359","Black Figure Amphora Fragments","16, 25 July 1959","Object","","","Agora:Object:P 26632","","P 26632","" "","Agora","","From wall of a large closed pot. Head of serpent seen against body and wings of a large animal. Red for the foreparts and for most of the feathers of the wings, for the underside of the body of the animal and for the eye of the snake. Bellerophon on the Chimaera? The object at the fight might be the rump.","Agora:Image:2012.56.0265::/Agora/2012/2012.56/2012.56.0265.jpg::2048::1614","Black Figure Vessel Fragment","21 July 1959","Object","","","Agora:Object:P 26642","","P 26642","" "","Agora","","Fragment from wall of a band cup. Part of body and legs of animal grazing, to left. Red on neck and for stroke on flank.","","Black Figure Cup Fragment","22 July 1959","Object","","","Agora:Object:P 26643","","P 26643",""