"dc-title","dc-subject","dc-publisher","Chronology","Name","dc-description","Icon","dc-creator","Redirect","Collection","dc-date","Type","UserLevel","Id" "Water Jug Fragment with Graffito","","","","P 20058","From shoulder and neck of one-handled jug. Wheel grooves on wall. ; ; Traces of two lines of a graffito under lower handle attachment: ; ; Reddish-brown micaceous clay.","","","","Agora","11 June 1947","Object","","Agora:Object:P 20058" "Gorgoneion","","","","T 2379","Head in relief; grinning mouth and projecting tongue. The back plain and slightly concave, looking as if it had been affixed to something.; Apparently complete.; Faint traces of white.; Gray clay.","","","","Agora","10 June 1947","Object","","Agora:Object:T 2379" "Mold for Animal Figurine","","","","T 2380","The mold for a large feline, tiger or lion(?) in relief, facing.; Most of the head and part of the neck preserved, with small part of the edge. Flat at the back.; Buff-red clay, somewhat gritty overfired.","","","","Agora","10 June 1947","Object","","Agora:Object:T 2380" "Hand and Arm","","","","T 2381","Right hand, with very large thumb, and mitten-like fingers (not articulated).; The end, below the elbow, finished round.; Complete.; ; ADDENDA Cf. T 2005.","","","","Agora","11 June 1947","Object","","Agora:Object:T 2381" "Seated Female Figurine Fragment","","","","T 2855","Part of a knee and drapery from a seated female figure.; Fold added by hand.; Broken all around.; Flat back of plastic vase type; Perhaps from plastic lekythos.; White with greeny-blue paint.; Buff-reddish clay.","","","","Agora","11-12 June 1947","Object","","Agora:Object:T 2855" "Mold Fragment for Figurine","","","","T 2860","Fragment of mold from the middle of a padded actor, showing a roll of drapery above the belly.; Mold cut off with string.; Smooth buff clay, very neatly finished behind.; ; ADDENDA Cf. Pnyx Figs, no. 68.","Agora:Image:2012.72.1311::/Agora/2012/2012.72/2012.72.1311.jpg::2048::1350","","","Agora","11-12 June 1947","Object","","Agora:Object:T 2860" "Stamped Amphora Handle: Rhodian","Amphoras | Rhodian","","","SS 10027","Device, a lyre.; Cf. SS 598.","","","","Agora","12 June 1947","Object","","Agora:Object:SS 10027" "Lead Token","","","","IL 883","A: triskeles, left.; B: uncertain emblem.","Agora:Image:2017.12.0414::/Agora/2017/2017.12/2017.12.0414.jpg::1518::1368","","","Agora","11 June 1947","Object","","Agora:Object:IL 883"