"Type","dc-title","dc-date","Name","Redirect","Chronology","dc-creator","UserLevel","Id","Icon","dc-description","dc-subject","Collection","dc-publisher" "Object","PROTOMAIOLCA PITCHER","1937/07/04","C 1937 1385","","","","","Corinth:Object:C 1937 1385","Corinth:Image:bw 1991 023 02a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1991_023/1991_st_023_002A.jpg::1191::1800","Pitcher with flat bottom, cylindrical body curving into high sloping shoulder and narrow neck, trefoil mouth (restored in plaster) and vertical strap handle attached to neck and lower body. Similar to C-1934-105, C-1934-1","Pottery","Corinth","" "Object","Mycenaean Kylix","1 July 1937; 2 July 1937; 3 July 1937; 4 July 1937; 5 July 1937; 6 July 1937","AP 3153","","","","","Agora:Object:AP 3153","Agora:Image:2020.05.0562::/Agora/2020/2020.05/2020.05.0562.tif::1850::1450","Incomplete.; ; Kylix with offset rim. Buff monochrome.","","Agora","" "Object","Decree Fragment","2 July 1937","I 4991","","","","","Agora:Object:I 4991","Agora:Image:2012.54.0660::/Agora/2012/2012.54/2012.54.0660.jpg::1560::2048","Inscribed fragment.; Inscribed face, right side and back preserved.; Twelve lines of the inscription preserved.; Hymettian marble.","","Agora","" "Object","Ephebic Decree Fragments","(ΟΑ 248) 2 July 1937; (ΙΙ 182) 14 February 1938","I 4992","","","","","Agora:Object:I 4992","Agora:Image:2012.50.0773::/Agora/2012/2012.50/2012.50.0773.jpg::1420::2048","Inscribed fragments.; Two joining fragments.; Inscribed face, rough picked back, and right side preserved.; Fifteen lines of the inscription preserved and two wreaths, one containing three more lines, the other illegible letters.; Pentelic marble.; ; ADDENDA Belongs to I 4171 and I 5175.","","Agora","" "Object","Grave Monument Fragment","3 July 1937","I 5002","","","","","Agora:Object:I 5002","","Inscribed fragment of columnar grave monument.; Inscribed face only preserved.; Three lines of the inscription preserved.; Hymettian marble.","","Agora","" "Object","Black Figure Lip Cup Fragment","4 July 1937","P 25855","","","","","Agora:Object:P 25855","Agora:Image:2010.18.0947::/Agora/2010/2010.18/2010.18.0947.tif::542::399","Rim fragment of lip cup. Woman from waist up, body frontal, head right, left arm raised, right akimbo. White for flesh; red for chiton. Inside, purple line below rim. Traces of other figures at breaks left and right. ; ; Excellent black glaze.","","Agora","" "Object","Grave Relief Fragment with Female Figure","3 July 1937","S 961","","","","","Agora:Object:S 961","Agora:Image:2011.05.0207::/Agora/2011/2011.05/2011.05.0207.tif::2358::3067","Parts of back and right side of relief preserved, very roughly worked. Of the figure preserved on the relief, only the head and left arm, with left part of upper torso, remain. The head has lost its mouth, lower part of nose, and part of left cheek.; The figure, a young girl, turns three-fourths to the left, with head in profile, looking up. The hair is curly all over, with a heavy, loose strand hanging down at the back. She wears a sleeved chiton.; Pentelic marble.","","Agora",""