"dc-publisher","dc-subject","Name","dc-creator","UserLevel","Redirect","Chronology","dc-date","Icon","dc-description","Type","dc-title","Collection","Id" "","","R 12:4","","","","Ca 520-480 B.C.","23 February-15 March 1955","Agora:Image:2003.01.0159::/Agora/2003/2003.01/2003.01.0159.tif::985::712","Well in Stoa Shop 3. Diameter at top 1.20m. The mouth o the well was overlaid by a large conglomerate block placed by the Stoa builders to seal it. Masses of pottery including many water-jars filled the lower two meters of the shaft; scattered fragments only came from the upper dumped filling.; POU 525-500 B.C.; Dumped filling, ca. 500 B.C.","Deposit","Well in Stoa Shop 3","Agora","Agora:Deposit:R 12:4"