"Name","Id","UserLevel","Icon","dc-subject","Redirect","dc-date","dc-title","dc-publisher","dc-creator","Collection","Chronology","dc-description","Type" "BI 217","Agora:Object:BI 217","","Agora:Image:2004.09.0485::/Agora/2004/2004.09/2004.09.0485.JPG::2000::1312","","","26 March 1936","Sea Shell","","","Agora","","The shell of a large bivalve (according to D.S. Reese, 26 January 1984, is a marine Clycymeris), used as palette.; In the bottom, a pool of dull red paint; on the edge the marks of paint where the painter wiped his brush. Sampled by R. J. Gettens 7/21/71; Coloring matter identified by E. Caley as cinnabar: native mercury sulfide (4 April 1937).; ADDENDA Coloring matter identified by S.W. Midgley as Cinnabar, Natural Mercuric Sulfide.","Object"