"dc-title","UserLevel","Redirect","Id","Type","dc-publisher","Collection","Chronology","Name","dc-subject","Icon","dc-description","dc-creator","dc-date" "Round Glass-Paste Beads","","","Agora:Object:J 273","Object","","Agora","Mycenaean LH IIIA","J 273","","Agora:Image:2016.04.0800::/Agora/2016/2016.04/2016.04.0800.tif::5700::5400","Thirteen beads originally: five are complete and in fairly good condition, six are partially complete and two more have disintegrated (in 2 small bags stored with beads). ; ; The surface of the beads is peeling and is very friable. ; ; Rounded beads, pierced through center. ; White to light cream-brown glass paste, some with iridescence.; ; Found with bronze wire fragments Β 2244.","","29 July 2014"