"dc-title","Id","Chronology","Name","dc-publisher","Redirect","UserLevel","Icon","dc-description","Type","dc-subject","dc-date","dc-creator","Collection" "Jug Fragment with Dipinto","Agora:Object:P 13465","","P 13465","","","","Agora:Image:2007.03.1004::/Agora/2007/2007.03/2007.03.1004.JPG::2816::2112","Rounded shoulder, short handle, collar rim; a one-handled pointed pot as P 13444 (Ω 836) [P.H. 0.225].; ; A two-line dipinto in black at base of neck. First line practically illegible(?); second line: ; ; Light brown clay with splashes of black to brown paint.; ; ADDENDA Made up into a whole pot: P.H. 0.51; Diam. 0.205. Parts of wall and chip of mouth missing. Restored in plaster. Elongated ovoid body, tapering to flat base, raised in the center. Black to brownish paint applied in broad irregular strokes.; Sparta series [JWH].","Object","","11 June 1938","","Agora"