"dc-description","dc-publisher","Icon","dc-subject","UserLevel","dc-creator","Id","Collection","Type","Chronology","Redirect","Name","dc-title","dc-date" "Wall fragment broken all around; bell or calyx krater. Head of woman, left; lower part of face missing. Stephane; earring. In field, behind her, staff or spear. Relief contour. ; ; Good glaze inside and out.; ; ADDENDA (Sept. 2020), according to Agora XXX, Bell Krater fragment.","","Agora:Image:2000.01.1583::/Agora/2000/2000.01/2000.01.1583.tif::842::584","Red Figured And White Ground | Bell-Kraters | Type 2 | Bell Kraters With Handles | Single Register","","","Agora:Object:P 25820","Agora","Object","","","P 25820","Red Figure Bell or Calyx Krater Fragment","21 May 1940" "Wall fragment; inside, thinned glaze below. Probably from an oinochoe. Youth left. Top of one shoulder, neck and head preserved. Woolen fillet. At left, part of some representation; arm? No relief contour.","","Agora:Image:2012.78.0270::/Agora/2012/2012.78/2012.78.0270.jpg::2048::1382","Red Figured And White Ground | Oinochoai | Shape 3 | Full Size","","","Agora:Object:P 25821","Agora","Object","","","P 25821","Red Figure Oinochoe Fragment","21 May 1940" "Bit of rim preserved; mug?; ; Inscription runs horizontally under rim: ; ; Good glaze inside and out.","","","","","","Agora:Object:P 25822","Agora","Object","","","P 25822","Black Glaze Mug Fragment with Graffito","21 May 1940" "Part of wall, lip and one handle missing. Restored in plaster. Low ring base. Low plump body drawn in only very slightly toward the base. At the top, the wall draws slightly inward, and then flares out in a plain unthickened lip. Two vertical ring handles. Base reserved, except for a central dot and a narrow ring of glaze paint. ; ; Attic clay; glaze fired red over most of the vase.","","Agora:Drawing:DA 7833::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/07000-07999/DA 7833.jpg::0::0","Black and Plain Pottery | Mug | Two-Handled","","","Agora:Object:P 16750","Agora","Object","","","P 16750","Two-Handled Mug","21 May 1940" "About half preserved. Wide low ring foot. Wall curves up to plain unthickened vertical lip marked with broad shallow groove on exterior. Horizontal wish-bone handles. Body inside and out, and base covered with sealing-wax red, now mostly peeled off. Lip, handle, foot and two circles (one wide and one narrow) on base glazed black.","","","Black and Plain Pottery | Large Bowl","","","Agora:Object:P 16753","Agora","Object","","","P 16753","Bowl","21 May 1940"