"Redirect","dc-date","Type","dc-title","Collection","UserLevel","dc-subject","dc-creator","Id","Name","dc-description","Chronology","dc-publisher","Icon" "","5 April 1933","Object","Architrave Fragment with Mason's Mark: Doric","Agora","","Architecture | Architraves | Doric","","Agora:Object:A 169","A 169","Fragment with regula with guttae. ; One side preserved with anathyrosis; top rough-picked to within 0.035m. from edge. Fragmentary evidence of a mason's mark (probably letters) on top surface. Evidence of a T-clamp in the back, 0.15m. from the finished edge.; The guttae are incorporated in the face of the architrave. Exact half width of regula preserved.; Assigned to the Temple of Ares.; Pentelic marble.; ","","","Agora:Image:1997.10.0380::/Agora/1997/1997.10/1997.10.0380.tif::693::891" "","3 May 1951","Object","Architrave Block Fragment","Agora","","Architecture | Architraves | Doric","","Agora:Object:A 1792","A 1792","Corner block, broken at right and below; part of rough-picked back possibly preserved. Top, smoothed off roughly with small toothed chisel for double T-clamp, 0.182m. in from left face.; On front surface, only portion of the smooth face, broken at the regula, is preserved. The corner itself is not preserved. Left face preserves complete profile except for top part of taenia. Parts of two guttae remain. Block comes from either S.E. corner or N.W. corner.; From Temple of Ares.; Pentelic marble.","","","Agora:Drawing:DA 4505::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/04000-04999/DA 4505.jpg::0::0" "","March 1936","Object","Architrave Block Fragment","Agora","","Architecture | Architraves | Doric","","Agora:Object:A 896","A 896","Fragment from the upper left corner, with part of the joint-surface. Part of regula and taenia preserved, with one gutta.; From the Temple of Ares.; Pentelic marble.","","","Agora:Image:2012.53.1149::/Agora/2012/2012.53/2012.53.1149.jpg::1640::2048"