"dc-description","dc-subject","Redirect","Icon","dc-title","Type","Chronology","dc-publisher","Collection","Id","dc-creator","Name","UserLevel","dc-date" "Fragment of inscribed relief; grave stele (?).; Broken all round, but with traces of a slope on top.; Beneath a double crowning moulding (the upper part broken, the lower a plain fascia) is a taenia with the inscription.; Below, on the surface of the relief, traces of a head, broken away.; Pentelic marble.","","","Agora:Image:2011.05.0009::/Agora/2011/2011.05/2011.05.0009.tif::2416::2340","Grave Monument Fragment","Object","4th. century B.C.","","Agora","Agora:Object:I 780","","I 780","","5 May 1933" "The Athenian Agora: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens","","","","Funerary Sculpture","Publication","","The American School of Classical Studies at Athens","Agora","Agora:Publication:Agora 35","Grossman, J. B.","Agora XXXV","","2013"