"UserLevel","dc-description","Icon","dc-subject","Type","dc-date","dc-creator","Collection","Id","dc-title","Chronology","Name","dc-publisher","Redirect" "","Broken all around; rough-picked in front below the relief, which shows the lower part of a female figure, wearing chiton and himation.; Pentelic marble.","Agora:Image:2011.05.0106::/Agora/2011/2011.05/2011.05.0106.tif::2468::2861","","Object","6 June 1931","","Agora","Agora:Object:S 36","Relief Fragment with Draped Female Figure","","S 36","","" "","Broken off at neck; upper front part missing, including proper left eye; nose damaged.; Round head with impressionistic hair not indicated at the nape of the neck; oval face with heavy eyelids; small mouth slightly turned down at the corners.; Pentelic marble.; Cf. Altar of Ares series.; Cf. Hesperia 21 (1952), p. 94.","Agora:Image:2017.03.0492::/Agora/2017/2017.03/2017.03.0492.tif::3432::4014","","Object","8 June 1931","","Agora","Agora:Object:S 46","Head of Male Figure","","S 46","","" "","Upper right side of head and face broken from relief; nose broken, cheek damaged.; On top of head a helmet pointed over the brow (Argive?). Two holes, one above the center of forehead and the other near the ear, for attachment. Delicate brows, small eye, narrow rolling lid.; Careful work.; Pentelic marble.","Agora:Image:2016.05.0275::/Agora/2016/2016.05/2016.05.0275.tif::3825::4372","","Object","9 June 1931","","Agora","Agora:Object:S 47","Head Fragment from Relief","","S 47","","" "","Broken all around; rough-picked on back. ; Left arm outstretched from the shoulder and bent at the elbow, clad in short sleeve; a bit of the chiton also preserved; traces of a spear or staff crossing the arm just above the elbow.; Pentelic marble.","Agora:Image:2011.05.0109::/Agora/2011/2011.05/2011.05.0109.tif::2334::1890","","Object","11 June 1931","","Agora","Agora:Object:S 51","Relief Fragment with Arm","","S 51","","" "","Head, arms and legs below the knees are missing. Right shoulder , breast and right side are damaged.; Clad in a thin chiton, with a himation wrapped round the lower part of the body and drawn up from the back over the left shoulder.; Parian marble.","Agora:Image:2000.02.0555::/Agora/2000/2000.02/2000.02.0555.tif::1360::2059","","Object","16 June 1931","","Agora","Agora:Object:S 65","Draped Female Figure Fragment","","S 65","","" "","Fragment with part of nozzle and rim.; Rim, flat, with a single groove near the outer edge.; Nozzle short, rounded; not encroaching on rim.; Hard black glaze.; Pale red Attic clay.; ; Type V (first variety) of Corinth collection, type 27A of Agora collection.","","","Object","8 June 1931","","Agora","Agora:Object:L 5","Lamp Fragment","","L 5","","" "","Fragment of side.; On rim, single groove; sloping toward center. Ball-shaped body.; Hard black glaze.; Pale red Attic clay.; ; Type VIIA of Corinth collection, type 25A of Agora collection.; ; ADDENDA For profile cf. Corinth IV, ii, p. 32, fig. 14, profile. 34.","","","Object","8 June 1931","","Agora","Agora:Object:L 6","Lamp Fragment","","L 6","","" "","On rim herringbone. ; Discus plain, with central filling hole. Handle solid, grooved.; On base, almond-shaped grooves; palm branch and stamped circles.; Unglazed.; Red clay.; ; Type XXVIII of Corinth collection.; ; ADDENDA For nozzle cf. Corinth IV, ii, p. 105, fig. 49, no. 4.","","","Object","9 June 1931","","Agora","Agora:Object:L 7","Lamp","","L 7","",""