"dc-subject","dc-title","Name","Chronology","dc-publisher","dc-description","Icon","Redirect","dc-creator","Id","UserLevel","Type","dc-date","Collection" "Red Figured And White Ground | Lekythoi | Shouldered | Secondary Shape","Red Figure Lekythos","P 5333","","","Neck and foot missing; shoulder reserved, with two rows of rays. Black glaze on body; on front, on reserved ground line, head and shoulder of a draped woman left, wearing a cap and facing a vine.; ; Careful work; no contours; some brown shading for the drapery.; ; Neck added from sherds and foot subsequently restored.; ; Cf. P 5325 and P 5326.","Agora:Image:2000.01.1046::/Agora/2000/2000.01/2000.01.1046.tif::363::845","","","Agora:Object:P 5333","","Object","13 April 1935","Agora" "","Panathenaic Amphora Fragments: Inscribed","P 5911","","","Numerous joining and non-joining fragments. On one side stood Athena, part of whose body, shield and helmet crest remain. Of the scene on the other side there remain parts of two wrestlers and of the judge standing to the left side.; ; To the right of her is the inscription: ; ; Firm black glaze; very crude drawing and incisions.","Agora:Image:2012.50.0254::/Agora/2012/2012.50/2012.50.0254.jpg::1497::2048","","","Agora:Object:P 5911","","Object","11 May 1935","Agora" "","Cup Fragment: Corinthian","P 6490","","","From the rim of a black glazed cup. A reserved band inside the lip. In added white, a swastika outside and a white band inside.","","","","Agora:Object:P 6490","","Object","6 March 1935","Agora" "","Cup Fragment","P 6491","","","Inside glazed black with a reserved band inside the lip. Outside, a shield between vertical herringbone bands.","","","","Agora:Object:P 6491","","Object","6 March 1935","Agora" "","Askos Fragment","P 6498","","","Perhaps from a pot in the form of a bird or boat. Row of dots along each side of spine; on flanks, hatched lozenges.; ; Clay pink to grayish; glaze dull black.; ; Cf. National Museum example (but no handle) and Kerameichos cocks.","Agora:Image:2012.02.0150::/Agora/2012/2012.02/2012.02.0150.tif::2752::2289","","","Agora:Object:P 6498","","Object","16 March 1935","Agora" "","Black Figure Cup Fragments","P 3853","","","(See revision below under ADDENDA.); Mended from many fragments which make up into two principal groups. These two groups include all the figured fragments, save two, and even these can be assigned with some assurance one to each group. The remaining fragments (in all 12, making up to 8) include a bit of a handle, a bit of a rim, a bit of plain black, and numerous bits on which the narrow reserved band below the decorated band appears.; Group a), profile from rim to stem complete. Trace of handle attachment at extreme right. On the reserved handle zone, the central figure is missing. On either side of it, four figures move inward: two draped standing women (the nearer one on the right, nearly entirely missing); a nude, striding man with cloak on left arm; and, next to the palmettes, a draped standing woman (the one on the left nearly entirely missing, but part of her and most of the palmettes on the non-joining fragment). Red for the men's hair; the central dot of the rosettes on their cloaks (and the rosettes on the grment of the woman at the extreme right); for the borders of garments, and for the heart and alternate leaves of the palmettes. White for the dot petals of the rosettes, for the decoration on garments, especially as the dividing line between red and black, and about the heart of the palmette. Incision. Below the handle zone a narrow reserved band. Within: part of a large reserved circle at center and a narrow reserved band at rim. ; Group b), preserved from rim to narrow reserved band below the handle zone. At center, left of fragment, a sea monster right, with head and shoulders of a man and body of a serpent (the body broken away at left). In his left hand he brandishes a dolphin. Before him a nude man, fleeing. At right the lower parts of a draped standing figure left and a palmette. A non-joining fragment which perhaps belongs at the left end of this group gives the feet and lower part of the garment of a figure standing (left?) and the bare leg of a figure fleeing left. Incision; red and white as in group a); white also for the monster's feet.; ; ADDENDA One handle and numerous fragments from wall are missing. A deep cup, with lip slightly flaring. ; ; Interior: reserved medallion with dot and circle in middle, a reserved band around the lip. Exterior: a narrow reserved band around lower wall. A broad figured handle band. Between handle palmettes on either side, a group of five: in the middle a monster with human foreparts and fishy hind parts flourishes a fish in outstretched hand. On either side of him a nude male figure flees toward a standing draped male. Hasty incision; applied white and purple paint.","Agora:Image:2012.55.0899::/Agora/2012/2012.55/2012.55.0899.jpg::2048::1571","","","Agora:Object:P 3853","","Object","8 May 1934, 1937","Agora" "","Token","MC 145","","","An oval one; flat on both sides.; Obverse: a man leaning over to right, possibly throwing a discus. In field club.; Possibly as Herakles leaning on his club.; Reverse: a right hand, palm outward, fingers together.; Reddish micaceous clay, the surface blackened.","Agora:Image:2018.02.0015::/Agora/2018/2018.02/2018.02.0015.jpg::1957::2743","","","Agora:Object:MC 145","","Object","21 March 1935","Agora" "","Token","MC 400","","","Obverse: eagle standing left, head thrown back.; In field to right, a draped female figure erect, Demeter or Artemis (?), a tall torch (?) in either hand. In field to left, a branch and an inscription.; Reverse: plain.; ","Agora:Image:2018.02.0045::/Agora/2018/2018.02/2018.02.0045.jpg::3295::3114","","","Agora:Object:MC 400","","Object","18 June 1937","Agora"