"dc-title","dc-creator","Collection","dc-publisher","UserLevel","Redirect","dc-subject","Name","Id","dc-date","Chronology","dc-description","Icon","Type" "Disturbed Chamber Tomb (?)","Rebecca Wood Robinson","Agora","","","","","J 8:1","Agora:Deposit:J 8:1","20 April 1951-29 March 1952","Myc. IIIA 1:2","Mycenaean Grave C.","Agora:Image:1997.20.0222::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0222.tif::961::717","Deposit" "Disturbed Chamber Tomb (?)","","Agora","","","","","J 8:2","Agora:Deposit:J 8:2","20-21, 23-24 April 1951, 1 April 1952","Myc. IIIA","Mycenaean Grave F.; It seemed to be more as a collection of bones and offerings, presumably swept aside to make room for later burials; they are east of and slightly higher than children's graves A and B.","Agora:Image:1997.20.0223::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0223.tif::997::719","Deposit" "Double Pit Grave","","Agora","","","","","J 8:3","Agora:Deposit:J 8:3","20-21 April, 23-25 April 1951, 29 March 1952","Myc. IIIA/B","Mycenaean Double Grave (Graves A and B).; Grave A was in Layer II. We laid a skull and a few other bones, three vases and a stone bead. We have dug to a maximum of about 0.06m below the top of Layer II. It contained two skeletons.; To the South of Grave A and separated from it by a narrow wall apparently of bedrock, was part of another grave. It contained one skeleton.; All of the pottery and bones in both graves are badly crushed.","Agora:Image:1997.20.0224::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0224.tif::1007::731","Deposit" "Simple Cremation","Rebecca Wood Robinson","Agora","","","","","J 9:1","Agora:Deposit:J 9:1","4 May 1951; 21 May 1952","Late Protogeometric","Damaged Protogeometric grave (E.L. Smithson: Grave XL).; Small corner only preserved, cut in part into the filling of the Submycenaean Grave J 9:2. In this corner, and spilling into the disturbed upper filling of J 9:2, burned earth and charcoal, with the burned bones of a female of about 40, and four fragmentary vases. A joining fragment of P 21239, was found in higher Hellenistic levels more than a meter distant.","Agora:Image:2012.33.1160::/Agora/2012/2012.33/2012.33.1160.jpg::2048::1414","Deposit" "Pit Tomb, Adult Inhumation","Evelyn L. Smithson","Agora","","","","","J 9:2","Agora:Deposit:J 9:2","21 May 1952","Submycenaean","Submycenaean grave (E.L. Smithson: Grave XXXIV).","Agora:Image:1997.20.0380::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0380.tif::1007::733","Deposit" "Well West of the Eponymous Heroes Monument","","Agora","","","","","I 10:1","Agora:Deposit:I 10:1","1-6 July 1967","Ca. 600-550 B.C.","Well west of the Eponymous Heroes monument. The shaft was of irregular width (ca. 0.81m where the full circle was first preserved), sunk in soft bedrock clay much of which had collapsed around the top of the shaft and large masses of which had fallen from the sides of the shaft. The dumped fill was entirely homogeneous as demonstrated by joins between all layers excavated. ; Excavation terminated at a depth of 4.25m. due to collapse of rock in the well.; Sherd being heavily worn around the broken edges indicating that they had been broken and discarded long before they were deposited in the well.","Agora:Image:2012.57.0882::/Agora/2012/2012.57/2012.57.0882.jpg::2048::1608","Deposit" "Late Roman Gully","","Agora","","","","","I-J 9:1","Agora:Deposit:I-J 9:1","11-16 February 1932; 23 April 1932; 26 April 1932","Late Roman- Ca. A.D. 520-540","8/ΛΘ to 14/ΛΒ.","","Deposit"