"Type","dc-description","Icon","Id","dc-date","Collection","Redirect","dc-title","Chronology","Name","dc-subject","UserLevel","dc-publisher","dc-creator" "Image","south","Agora:Image:1997.01.0310::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0310.tif::470::647","Agora:Image:1997.01.0310","April 1939","Agora","","North-south cut on 20 m. line, as finished. In foreground, stoa back wall (right) and pre-stoa north-south wall. In center, the stoa stylobate.","","1997.01.0310 (XVI-26)","Site | By Area | North | Approach to the Agora from the Dipylon Gate | Stoas along the Panathenaic Way | Two-aisled Stoa | General Views","","","" "Image","west","Agora:Image:1997.01.0312::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0312.tif::654::470","Agora:Image:1997.01.0312","3 Apr 1939","Agora","","'Augustan road' at west end of section showing foundations of the stoa (right) and of south buildings (left). For the appellation 'Augustan road' cf. nb. pp. 686-692, 1289-1291, see also Hesperia 42 (1973), fig. 3, p. 370 for map of the same road.","","1997.01.0312 (XVI-34)","Site | By Area | North | Approach to the Agora from the Dipylon Gate | Stoas along the Panathenaic Way | Two-aisled Stoa | Detailed Views","","","" "Image","northwest","Agora:Image:1997.01.0313::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0313.tif::658::470","Agora:Image:1997.01.0313","April 1939","Agora","","Stylobate of stoa and stone drain, in the middle of the section.","","1997.01.0313 (XVI-46)","Site | By Area | North | Approach to the Agora from the Dipylon Gate | Stoas along the Panathenaic Way | Two-aisled Stoa | Detailed Views","","","" "Image","east","Agora:Image:1997.01.0314::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0314.tif::473::653","Agora:Image:1997.01.0314","March 1939","Agora","","Stylobate of stoa and stone drain at east end of the section.","","1997.01.0314 (XVI-47)","Site | By Area | North | Approach to the Agora from the Dipylon Gate | Stoas along the Panathenaic Way | Two-aisled Stoa | Detailed Views","","","" "Image","west","Agora:Image:1997.01.0315::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0315.tif::487::667","Agora:Image:1997.01.0315","3 Apr 1939","Agora","","Northeast corner of the south buildings.","","1997.01.0315 (XVI-7)","Site | By Area | North | General Views | Section ΜΜ","","","" "Image","south","Agora:Image:1997.01.0316::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0316.tif::480::674","Agora:Image:1997.01.0316","April 1939","Agora","","Area of the stoa and the 'Augustan road'. For the appellation 'Augustan road' cf. nb. pp. 686-692, 1289-1291, see also Hesperia 42 (1973), fig. 3, p. 370 for map of the same road.","","1997.01.0316 (XVII-24)","Site | By Area | North | Approach to the Agora from the Dipylon Gate | Stoas along the Panathenaic Way | Two-aisled Stoa | General Views","","","" "Image","southeast","Agora:Image:1997.01.0317::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0317.tif::654::493","Agora:Image:1997.01.0317","3 Apr 1939","Agora","","Back wall of the Stoa in west part of the section.","","1997.01.0317 (XVI-30)","Site | By Area | North | Approach to the Agora from the Dipylon Gate | Stoas along the Panathenaic Way | Two-aisled Stoa | Detailed Views","","","" "Image","northeast","Agora:Image:1997.01.0318::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0318.tif::665::493","Agora:Image:1997.01.0318","April 1939","Agora","","Stoa column in west part of the section.","","1997.01.0318 (XVI-32)","Site | By Area | North | Approach to the Agora from the Dipylon Gate | Stoas along the Panathenaic Way | Two-aisled Stoa | Detailed Views","","",""