"UserLevel","Icon","dc-subject","Name","Id","dc-creator","dc-publisher","Redirect","dc-date","dc-title","Chronology","dc-description","Collection","Type" "","Agora:NotebookPage:ΝΝ-21-1::/Agora/Notebooks/ΝΝ/ΝΝ 021/ΝΝ 021 001.jpg::1244::2048","","ΝΝ-21","Agora:Notebook:ΝΝ-21","","","","1946, 1947","Finds","","4000","Agora","Notebook" "","Agora:Image:2009.01.0533::/Agora/2009/2009.01/2009.01.0533.tif::2940::3728","","A 18:1","Agora:Deposit:A 18:1","","","","25-30 April 1947","Cistern Between Areopagus and Hill of the Nymphs","","Cistern in the valley between the Areopagus and the Hill of the Nymphs. Simple, flask-shaped chamber withdraw-shaft; no tunnels. Mouth cut away in Byzantine times. Lower filling, 3rd c. B.C.","Agora","Deposit" "","","","P 17616","Agora:Object:P 17616","","","","26 April 1947","Ostrakon of Themistokles Neokleous Phrearrios","","From a geometric amphora, glazed black and decorated with a group of reserved horizontal bands. ; ; Incised inside: ","Agora","Object" "","","","P 17617","Agora:Object:P 17617","","","","28 April 1947","Ostrakon of Hippokrates Alkmeonidou Alopekethen","","From a kylix foot. Two non-joining fragments, put together with plaster.; ; Incised underneath and on top: ","Agora","Object" "","Agora:ReportPage:1947-ΝΝ-1::/Agora/Reports/1947 ΝΝ/1947 ΝΝ 001.jpg::1582::2048","","1947 ΝΝ","Agora:Report:1947 ΝΝ","Rodney S. Young","","","10 Mar-3 Nov 1947","Section ΝΝ: 1947","","Excavation continued in section ΝΝ with the aim of clearing the area for the new museum. Because of the unforeseen depth of filling, the area remained unfinished.; Several features were dug and examined. The Great Drain and the Post-Sullan Drain were cleared out throughout their length within the section, as was the Late Roman Water Channel running under the Roman Bath, which was proved to have two periods of use. A second Roman Bath was found. The two baths were separated by a street overlying Drain A. ; The excavation of several houses continued. Of particular interest was a large cutting which produced a heavy deposit of ostraka. A number of burials were excavated, amongst them a Mycenaean chamber tomb.; Fifteen of twenty-two wells totally found in the section, were dug, as were two cisterns.","Agora","Report"