"dc-title","dc-date","Chronology","Redirect","Name","Id","UserLevel","dc-creator","Collection","Type","dc-description","dc-publisher","Icon","dc-subject" "Plate Fragment: Gray Ware","30 April 1956","","","P 25611","Agora:Object:P 25611","","","Agora","Object","Rim fragment from a very large plate or platter. Low moulded rim. ; ; Thick grayish-red fabric, micaceous and highly laminated, resembling Samian. Firm glossy black glaze on top and rim (worn on rim); dull black wash beneath. Gray ware.","","","" "Standing Warrior Figurine Fragments","27 April 1956","","","T 3478","Agora:Object:T 3478","","","Agora","Object","About half preserved, mended from several fragments.; Large figurine of a soldier or warrior wearing a tunic, a cloak and high-laced sandals. He holds a shield (strap only preserved).; Dark reddish clay.","","Agora:Image:2012.55.0492::/Agora/2012/2012.55/2012.55.0492.jpg::1603::2048",""