"Type","dc-description","Icon","Name","Redirect","dc-title","Chronology","UserLevel","dc-publisher","dc-creator","dc-subject","dc-date","Id","Collection" "Notebook","201","Agora:NotebookPage:Φ-2-1::/Agora/Notebooks/Φ/Φ 002/Φ 002 001.jpg::1247::2048","Φ-2","","Finds/Coins","","","","","","1937","Agora:Notebook:Φ-2","Agora" "Object","About half of rim, with stubs of handle, preserved.; ; Type 16 of Agora collection.","","L 2786","","Lamp Fragment","","","","","","1 March 1937","Agora:Object:L 2786","Agora" "Object","Mended from many pieces; most of the lip, about half the base and scattered fragments of the figured scenes missing. A cylindrical stand, open at top and bottom, with a rather concave profile and simple slightly projecting rim and base.; ; Interior: horizontal stripes, alternately black and reserved, varying from ca. 0.01 to 0.02 in width, widest towards the middle.; ; Exterior: above and below, black rosettes with white centers. The figured scene completely encircles the vase and is separated from the rosettes by two black lines.; Artemis, right, wearing a long himation, mounts a chariot drawn by four horses which stand beside a palm tree. In front of the horses and facing them stands Apollo in long chiton and himation, holding a seven-stringed lyre (strings incised) in his left hand and a flower in his raised right. Behind Apollo a young deer, left, stands under a second palm tree. The deer and Artemis are back to back.; In the field, nonsense inscriptions in glaze: above the backs of the horses, horizontally, Ο Ι Ε; between their legs, vertically, Ο Ρ Ε Ι Ο; between them and Apollo, vertically, Ο Ι Ε Ε Ο Γ [cf. AJA 33 (1929), pp. 361-362, all of which, however, belong to the mid-sixth century].; ; The added colors are well preserved. White is used for Artemis' flesh; for one of the horses and for decorations on the harness of another; for Apollo's wreath, the frame of his lyre, the visible lower part of his long chiton, and the dots along its lower border; for the throat, chest, belly stripe and tail of the deer; for the hearts of the two palm trees; and for the dots of the rosettes in the borders above and below. Red is used for Artemis' fillet; for crosses and folds on her himation; for four bosses on the chariot car; for the reins; for the tails and manes of the white horse and the nearest black one; for some of the harness; for dots and folds on Apollo's himation; and for the outer edge of the lip of the pot.","Agora:Image:2000.02.0622::/Agora/2000/2000.02/2000.02.0622.tif::2047::1342","P 9275","","Black Figure Stand: Inscribed","","","","","","1 March 1937","Agora:Object:P 9275","Agora" "Object","The fragments make up into two principal groups, which preserve the full width of one side of a smallish neck amphora.; a) Four joining fragments: head and shoulders of Dionysos, a goddess, and Apollo, to right, and face of a goddess to left; above, black tongues, and the spring of the neck. Behind Dionysos, part of the floral ornament about the handle. Red for Dionysos' beard and some of the leaves of his wreath, for the fillets of the two goddesses, and for dots on the garment of the first. White for Dionysos' chiton and for the mouth of his cornucopia, for the flesh of the two goddesses, for Apollo's chiton and for the uprights at the top of his seven-stringed lyre.; ; b) Two joining fragments: the lower part (except feet) of a draped standing figure, to left, probably the goddess whose face is preserved in group a); the head and neck of a young deer, right, looking up at her; the lower part (except feet) of Hermes, right; part of the floral ornament about the handle.; ; Red for folds and dots on garments and for the wings of Hermes' boots. White for the throat of the young deer and for Hermes' short chiton.; ; Two fragments with neck palmettes (not from same pot), belonging perhaps to this, perhaps to P 9267 (Φ 87), perhaps to other neck amphoras, are in sherd container.","Agora:Image:2012.70.1395::/Agora/2012/2012.70/2012.70.1395.jpg::2048::1324","P 9276","","Black Figure Neck Amphora Fragments","","","","","","1 March 1937","Agora:Object:P 9276","Agora" "Report","In antiquity the area included in Section Φ lay outside the Agora proper and were apparently occupied only by houses and small buildings. The earliest period of which any considerable remains were found was the Geometric: three Protogeometic graves and one well, as well as one Geometric grave and one disturbed well, were discovered and excavated.; Pottery from the 2nd and 3rd quarters of the 6th century B.C. were found in a small hollow in the bedrock. A big well was excavated and black-figured and red-figured pottery was found. Some of the objects from the well belong to the early years of the 5th century B.C. ; In the northeast corner fragments of terracotta water pipes were found, some in situ, dating from the late 6th or the 5th century B.C.. A small building with polygonal limestone walls were cleared, its purpose uncertain. It was built in the early 4th century B.C. and continued in use until the end of the 2nd century B.C.; Remains of the Hellenistic period are few. From the Roman period a house was partly cleared. It was destroyed in the late 3rd century A.D. Two Roman wells were excavated, as well as a late Roman tomb. A late Roman building covered almost the whole section and was probably part of the great complex of late Roman buildings that covered most of the center of the Agora. The most prominent feature is an apse. The building was destroyed in the 6th century A.D.; Numerous traces of dark age habitation were found, but few from the Byzantine period, and some from the Turkish period.","Agora:ReportPage:1937-Φ-1::/Agora/Reports/1937 Φ/1937 Φ 001.jpg::1555::2048","1937 Φ","","Section Φ Season of 1937","","","","Eugene Vanderpool","Checked","25 Jan-17 Jun 1937","Agora:Report:1937 Φ","Agora"