"Icon","dc-description","dc-date","Redirect","dc-subject","Chronology","Type","dc-publisher","UserLevel","Collection","Name","Id","dc-title","dc-creator" "","Stoa Construction Fills (n.b. for all Stoa and pre-Stoa fills later than construction filling of Square Peristyle see P-R 6-12); Over 100 stamped amphora handles in fill. No long-petal bowls, but one fragment in fill over floor of Square Peristyle, directly under fill of Stoa of Attalos and possibly intrude from it.","September 1949","","","Before ca. 150 B.C.","Deposit","","","Agora","P-R 6-12","Agora:Deposit:P-R 6-12","Stoa Construction Fill",""