"dc-publisher","Name","dc-subject","dc-date","Type","Chronology","Id","Redirect","Icon","dc-title","dc-creator","dc-description","Collection","UserLevel" "","H 12:6","","7 June 1937; 19 March-17 May 1938","Deposit","Ca. 425-400 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H 12:6","","Agora:Image:2012.50.1262::/Agora/2012/2012.50/2012.50.1262.jpg::2048::1494","Rubbish Dump","","Rubbish Dump in mouth of abandoned well in Tholos Trench F, Kitchen. Filled with ash, charcoal, broken pottery, roof tiles.; Also from Trench L.; ; 13 March 2014 by Ann Steiner; The deposit has four components. In general it is vaguely funnel-shaped, but asymmetrically so.; Component 1: At the top is an extensive oval-shaped pit, c. 3.20 by 1.60, distinguished by signs of burning: the Tholos Kitchen Dump: Lots Ζ 271-287 (425-400 B.C.E.); Component 2: The second segment, moving downward, includes the top-most curb stones of a collapsed well together with ceramic material all jumbled up with the roof tiles from the Tholos, but with no signs of burning: Lots Ζ 687-690 (late 6th-late 5th c. B.C); Component 3: A second set of collapsed curb stones, ,below the first two, and the material below it to the top of what was still preserved of the well shaft proper: Lots Ζ 691-693; and Ζ 686 (Geometric-late 6th c.); Component 4: The bottom of the well and what is apparently pottery from a very short period of use. Lot Ζ 694 (425-400 B.C.E); Well walls collapse on east (?) side, leaving a meter or so at the bottom with the original walls intact. Four curbing stones at top of well sink, with two sinking deeper than the other two, leaving a large depression at top that is significantly larger than circumference of well. ; Earlier material, most likely from an earlier adjacent abandoned (?) well shifts into area of well shaft, both at just above the top-most curbing stones (Lots Ζ 687-690) but below the burning that signifies bottom of Kitchen Dump and below those curbing stones (Lots Ζ 686; 691-693).; C. 400: Kitchen Dump used to fill depression at ground level.","Agora",""