"Collection","dc-date","Id","UserLevel","dc-publisher","dc-creator","dc-subject","Name","Redirect","dc-title","Chronology","dc-description","Type","Icon" "Agora","3, 6 February 1936","Agora:Deposit:C 9:10","","","Rodney S. Young","","C 9:10","","Urn cremation","Late Protogeometric","Grave 3 in notebook (E.L. Smithson: Grave XIII: PG). Urn cremation (trench-and-hole), adult female.; JP; ; Rectangular trench, measuring approximately 1.10x0.45m, but which may have been larger, cut through earth and partly into bedrock. The roughly circular urn-hole was located to the east; the bedrock dipped sharply along the west side of the grave. Much of the trench and the upper part of the urn-hole were destroyed by Classical and Hellenistic builders. Cremated remains of an adult woman aged 25-35 years at death. Nothing was preserved, or noted, of any tomb covering. The fill of the trench was excavated in three layers: 1. ""Burned earth"" fired red with the odd pyre sherd noted on the floor and spilling into the urn-hole"". 2. layer of ash and charcoal. 3. Dug and redeposited bedrock, encountered just below Hellenistic deposits above the trench. Young "" The burial seems to have been quite normal-cremation on the spot, the bones and jewelry gathered up and placed in the amphora, and the whole buried in a pit. If there were broken pots outside as offerings, they have since disappeared.""","Deposit","Agora:Image:2012.42.0990::/Agora/2012/2012.42/2012.42.0990.jpg::2048::1361"