"dc-publisher","Icon","Collection","dc-subject","dc-description","Id","UserLevel","Redirect","Chronology","dc-creator","Name","dc-date","Type","dc-title" "","","Agora","","Great Drain sand fill under Roman bath including small area at north end under tiles that was excavated separately.; See also A-B 19-20:1 for additional Great Drain sand fill at ca. 70-113/*","Agora:Deposit:C 18:14","","","","","C 18:14","30 July-11 August 1947","Deposit","Great Drain Sand fill" "","","Agora","","Great Drain north end, filling under tiles (55-58).; Only the finds from 55-58/* are recorded here (as found in the notebooks) although the deposit notebook shows additional finds from the entire sand fill under the Great Drain as included in this deposit. These additional finds are recorded separately C 18:14.2 (pf).","Agora:Deposit:C 18:14.1","","","3rd-2nd c. B.C.","","C 18:14.1","1-5 August 1947","Deposit","Sand fill north end, under tiles"