"dc-subject","Icon","Chronology","Name","dc-creator","dc-date","dc-description","Id","UserLevel","Redirect","dc-title","Collection","dc-publisher","Type" "","","Early 1st c. B.C.","M 20:1","","February 1937","Cistern on lower northeast slope of the Areopagus.; Two Hellenistic fills with late Hellenistic to Roman fill above.; Use fill characterized by broken water jars (lower fill); contemporary dump (middle fill); nearly sterile layer (probably part of middle fill); Roman upper fill.; Sixty-eight stamped amphora handles. Middle fill contained fruit measure conforming to late 2nd c. decree.","Agora:Deposit:M 20:1","","","Cistern","Agora","","Deposit" "","","First quarter 1st c. B.C.","M 20:1.2","","9-11 February 1937","Dump, Sullen clean-up.","Agora:Deposit:M 20:1.2","","","Middle fill","Agora","","Deposit"