"Redirect","dc-description","Icon","dc-date","dc-subject","Chronology","Type","dc-publisher","UserLevel","Name","Collection","Id","dc-creator","dc-title" "","Disturbed Mycenaean chamber tomb.; It was the first Mycenaean burial found in the Agora. It is situated about 20m due south of Tomb VII, only a few meters beyond the south edge of the Augustan foundation of the Temple of Ares.","Agora:Image:1997.20.0163::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0163.tif::1330::987","12-15 May 1933","","Myc. IIIA (1st half of 14th c.)","Deposit","","","J 8:4","Agora","Agora:Deposit:J 8:4","","Disturbed Chamber Tomb" "","Plundered Chamber Tomb. (Tomb XII). A few meters SE of the great white marble altar. The chamber is an irregular rectangle, oriented roughly N-S, with dromos leading in at a very gentle slope from the north. The dromos had been cut through by a Turkish well. The tomb itself was of irregular enough shape to suggest that it had never been completed. A very few sherds and fragments of bone were recovered from the upper levels of the collapsed bedrock with which it was filled.; It seems probable that the tomb collapsed before burials were made in it (the lower 1.80m of the tomb contained only collapsed bedrock and no sherds.) and perhaps the dromos may have been used as a sacrificial pit of some sort","Agora:Image:1997.20.0058::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0058.tif::749::961","22 April 1952","","LH III A","Deposit","","","J 10:1","Agora","Agora:Deposit:J 10:1","","Unfinished Chamber Tomb" "","Diameter of top of well 0.80m.; An early well east of Roman Building, north of Temple of Ares and thus in the region of the Mycenaean cemetery. Sherds almost entirely Mycenaean with nothing later and a few earlier. Maybe the well was used only for ceremonial and funerary purposes.","","27 May 1952","","Mycenaean","Deposit","","","K 6:1","Agora","Agora:Deposit:K 6:1","","Well East of Roman Building" "","Pottery Deposit at 57/ΙΔ (also 57/ΙΣΤ and 63-66/Κ-ΚΕ). Contents of pit range from Mycenaean to Turkish; apparently the dump of a modern antiquities dealer.","","20 February-3 March 1934","","Modern Context","Deposit","","","K 14:1","Agora","Agora:Deposit:K 14:1","","Collector's Dump" "","Mycenaean Grave.; One of the first Mycenaean burials found in the Agora. It consisted of a regular cist, carefully cut with vertical sides and a flat bottom, measuring 1.90m by 0.55m. There were apparently originally covering slabs, but these were missing. The grave had been disturbed in Roman tines and again by a Turkish bothros which cut into it. ; The skeleton was well preserved from the head to the pelvis, but the feet and lower legs were disarranged and the thigh bones apparently removed by the Romans. The skeleton lay on its back with the head turned to the left and the right arm flexed across the chest, the fingers clutching the left upper arm. The left arm was raised vertically toward the surface, and the hand had been cut off above the wrist and was found lying close to the right hand.","Agora:Image:1997.20.0090::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0090.tif::1011::706","14-21 February 1935","","LH III (c. 1200)","Deposit","","","M 12:1","Agora","Agora:Deposit:M 12:1","","Cist Grave in" "","Grave of 38 year-old female, head NW, legs drawn up. Apparently unlined cist in bedrock or hard-packed dug-bedrock, its outlines no longer distinguishable from surrounding fill. Above skeleton, a number of small stones in no order. Possibly offerings at had or foot of grave, now lost. If the offerings were at the feet they would have been disturbed by a late Turkish pit, and if at the head by the builders of the so-called ""Burned Building"".; The only clue for the date of the burial is its similarity to the nearby cist grave XXXVII.; ; Cf. M 12:1.","","21 March 1935","","Mycenaean?","Deposit","","","M 12:2","Agora","Agora:Deposit:M 12:2","","Mycenaean (?) Grave" "","Mycenaean Chamber Tomb","Agora:Image:1997.20.0093::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0093.tif::697::499","2-14 May 1947","","Myc. III A:1-2","Deposit","","","M 21:2","Agora","Agora:Deposit:M 21:2","","Tomb of the Bronzes" "","Small Mycenaean Chamber Tomb","","13-14 May 1947","","Myc. III A:1-2","Deposit","","","M 21:3","Agora","Agora:Deposit:M 21:3","","Disturbed Chamber Tomb"