"dc-description","Icon","Type","Chronology","dc-title","Redirect","Name","dc-subject","dc-publisher","dc-creator","UserLevel","Id","dc-date","Collection" "Pit, partly cleared; dumped filling of first half of 3rd. c. B.C., but with considerable material of the 4th. c. Hellenistic.; Its rotten schist walls collapsed some time near then and it was filled up with pottery, ashes and earth, and abandoned. Forced to stop digging because of the rotten walls. There was still soft earth in the bottom (at ca. 6m.), but we had stopped getting pottery at 4.20m.; Much of pottery has been burned.","Agora:Image:2005.01.0966::/Agora/2005/2005.01/2005.01.0966.tif::1150::1590","Deposit","4th-3rd c. B.C.","Pit","","A 17:3","","","","","Agora:Deposit:A 17:3","2-7 April 1956","Agora" "From disturbances in original floor of Tholos with ash and burning. Probably reflects the military and political conditions of 307 B.C. ; The broken pottery, both that left lying on the floor of the building and that swept up into various neighboring deposits, represents the household equipment of the Tholos during the preceding generation (third quarter of 4th c. B.C.)","","Deposit","Ca. 340-295 B.C.","Pits in Floor of Tholos","","G 12:20","","","","","Agora:Deposit:G 12:20","23-30 May 1938","Agora"