"Name","Icon","Collection","Id","Chronology","UserLevel","dc-publisher","dc-date","dc-description","dc-subject","dc-title","Type","dc-creator","Redirect" "I 4782","Agora:Image:2012.72.1479::/Agora/2012/2012.72/2012.72.1479.jpg::1346::2048","Agora","Agora:Object:I 4782","Mid. 4th. century B.C.","","","29 April, 5 May 1937","Inscribed fragment.; Mended from two pieces.; Broken around and behind; a horizontal hammer-dressed surface below.; ""POLETAI"" record; Laurion mines.; Fifteen lines of the inscription preserved; stoichedon.; Hymettian marble.; ; ADDENDA Joins with I 7419 (?).","","Mining Inscription Fragment","Object","","" "I 7419","","Agora","Agora:Object:I 7419","","","","1 July 1972","Inscribed fragment.; Broken on both sides and top.; Reverse side originally appears to have also been incised. No longer legible. Bottom roughly marked.; ""POLEITAI"" account.; Two columns of inscription of left hand column have only last letters of five lines. 0.016m. separates the two columns. Of right hand column have thirty-two lines; no line is complete.; White marble.; ; ADDENDA Joins with I 4782.","","Account Fragment","Object","",""