"dc-title","dc-subject","dc-publisher","Name","Chronology","dc-description","Icon","dc-creator","Redirect","Type","dc-date","Collection","UserLevel","Id" "Prytany Decree Fragment","","","I 3855","Ca. 275 B.C.","Inscribed fragment.; Inscribed face, right side, and possibly back preserved.; Ten lines of the inscription preserved.; Hymettian marble.; ; ADDENDA Joins with I 5392.","Agora:Image:2012.83.1480::/Agora/2012/2012.83/2012.83.1480.jpg::2048::1321","","","Object","28 March 1936","Agora","","Agora:Object:I 3855" "Boundary Stone Fragment","","","I 5569","","Inscribed fragment.; Back, bottom and sides are preserved.; Boundary stone of Apollo Patroios.; Three lines of the inscription preserved.; Pentelic marble.","","","","Object","24 September 1938","Agora","","Agora:Object:I 5569" "Prytany Decree Fragment","","","I 6006","140/39 B.C.","Inscribed fragment of stele.; Two large joining fragments, the upper of which preserves some of the flat top of the stele proper, with a dowel hole for the attachment of the pedimental top. Upper right corner broken away. The lower fragment preserves the full width of the stele. There is a marked taper towards the top.; Rectangular cutting in face of block cuts away several letters of last two lines of first decree and of first citation.; Sides toothed; back rough picked.; Pentelic marble.; ; ADDENDA Joins I 6005.","Agora:Image:2012.51.1443::/Agora/2012/2012.51/2012.51.1443.jpg::1362::1855","","","Object","14 June 1947","Agora","","Agora:Object:I 6006" "Literary and Epigraphical Testimonia","","American School of Classical Studies at Athens","Agora III","","Here are presented all the ancient written references, both literary and epigraphical, to the Agora (including its environs) and its monuments. The introduction summarizes chronologically the authors cited, evaluating the contributions of each. The texts are given in the original Greek or Latin, followed by a translation and a commentary. They are grouped in parts: the Stoas, Shrines, Public Buildings and Offices, Market, Honorary Statues, Miscellaneous including Boundaries, Trees, Kerameikos, Panathenaic Street, Old Agora. Within each part the monuments are arranged alphabetically and under each monument the texts are listed alphabetically by author with inscriptions at the end. Many texts not given numbers in this order are included in the archaeological and topographical commentaries. Each section on a monument opens with a brief synopsis of the evidence contained in the texts which follow. The index of authors gives dates and editions as well as passages and inscriptions cited, and is followed by an index of subjects. The plates show plans of the Agora and its environs and of the route of Pausanias.","Agora:Image:2009.09.0033::/Agora/2009/2009.09/2009.09.0033.jpg::200::267","Wycherley, R. E.","","Publication","1957","Agora","","Agora:Publication:Agora 3"