"Type","Collection","Icon","dc-date","dc-publisher","Chronology","Redirect","dc-description","Name","UserLevel","dc-creator","Id","dc-subject","dc-title" "Deposit","Agora","","17 February 1933","","Ca. 375-350 B.C.","","Small pocket with R.F. sherds and terracottas, perhaps thrown up by the diggers of a modern well nearby.","K 13:1","","","Agora:Deposit:K 13:1","","Pocket" "Deposit","Agora","","1 March 1932","","Ca. 430-420 B.C.","","Small compact deposit. Cutting.","F 14:2","","","Agora:Deposit:F 14:2","","Closed Deposit" "Deposit","Agora","","2-13 April 1932","","Ca. 325-275 B.C.","","Rectangular shaft at northwest foot of Areopagus; dumped filling of second half of 4th c. B.C. Pit at 16/Δ-Ε recorded one time as an extension of shaft 17/Δ-Ε (see L 506 and nb.p. 395), but items from there are not recorded with this deposit.","F 16:6","","","Agora:Deposit:F 16:6","","Rectangular Shaft" "Deposit","Agora","Agora:Image:1997.03.0104::/Agora/1997/1997.03/1997.03.0104.tif::2105::1591","25 July-8 October 1932","","Ca. 575-480 B.C.","","A cave-in not long after the digging of this shaft destroyed its possible usefulness as a well and thereafter it was used as a dump. Two principle periods of such use were noted, and within these several phases. ; Upper filling: Ca. 510-480 B.C. cf. Hesperia 15 (1946), pp. 265-336.; Lower filling: Ca. 575-535 B.C. cf. Hesperia 7 (1938), pp. 363-411.","G 6:3","","","Agora:Deposit:G 6:3","","Rectangular Rock-Cut Shaft" "Deposit","Agora","","16 March-2 April 1932","","Ca. 500-475 B.C. and later","","Green Earth at 03-04-05/ΚΑ-ΚΔ, to at least -3.50m. near the southwest corner of the market square.","G 13:1","","","Agora:Deposit:G 13:1","","Pocket in Bedrock" "Deposit","Agora","","14 May-6 June 1932","","Ca. 410-390 B.C.","","Well on the lower north slope of the Areopagus. The pottery apparently belongs to a filling of one period, since it exhibited no marked difference in character to the bottom. No where was the deposit very abundant [nbp. 753].; ; Tile curbing in lower part of shaft","G 16:1","","","Agora:Deposit:G 16:1","","Well" "Deposit","Agora","","10 February 1933; 4-13 March 1935; 12 June 1936; 18-20 May 1938","","5th c. B.C.","","Investigations within the Stoa of Zeus, the north part, various levels.; ; Notebook references: Stoa Trench E Layers IV and V, Stoa Pits A, B and C, and Layers I and II of area between back wall and retaining wall of Stoa. Also in Trench E the footing trench of Pier V, all layers; also Trench D, Pier III, all layers; also trench F, layers III and IV.","H 5-6","","","Agora:Deposit:H 5-6","","Fillings" "Deposit","Agora","","22-23 June 1931","","Ca. 375-350 B.C.","","A dumped filling including red figured fragments of the second quarter of the 4th c. B.C.","H 6:1","","","Agora:Deposit:H 6:1","","'Pottery Deposit'"