"Chronology","dc-subject","dc-date","Icon","dc-description","Redirect","Id","dc-title","dc-creator","UserLevel","Collection","Name","Type","dc-publisher" "","Architecture | Geisons | Doric","1933","Agora:Image:1997.03.0073::/Agora/1997/1997.03/1997.03.0073.tif::1580::1176","Front horizontal cornice with hawk's beak crowning molding.; From the left hand corner of the pediment of the Stoa of Zeus. The superimposed first block of the raking geison was cut in a separate piece; part of its sloping bedding remains. A plain fascia rose above the molding in the same plane as the fascia below. Face of molding almost vertical; shallow incision at its spring.; Pentelic marble.","","Agora:Object:A 368","Cornice Fragment with Molding","","","Agora","A 368","Object","" "","Architecture | Geisons | Doric","1933","Agora:Image:2012.24.0162::/Agora/2012/2012.24/2012.24.0162.jpg::2048::1134","Raking cornice with hawk's beak crowning molding, from the Stoa of Zeus.; Profile similar to A 367 (Η' 705). ; Doric leaf pattern with some of the red color preserved on the leaf.; Pentelic marble.","","Agora:Object:A 369","Cornice Fragment with Molding","","","Agora","A 369","Object","" "","Architecture | Friezes | Doric | Triglyphs","1933","","Two fragments of triglyphs from the Stoa of Zeus.; The headband is crowned with a half-round molding. The space between the glyphs at their tops is gently curved and deeply undercut. Corner drops broken away. Covered with thick blue paint.; Granular creamy Poros.","","Agora:Object:A 370","Triglyphs Fragments","","","Agora","A 370","Object","" "","Architecture | Anta Capitals","1933","Agora:Drawing:DA 4194::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/04000-04999/DA 4194.jpg::0::0","Only fragment from the middle of the front face remains. Broken below.; Crowned by a half round; ovolo hawk's beak.; From the Stoa of Zeus.; Pentelic marble.","","Agora:Object:A 371","Anta Capital Fragment","","","Agora","A 371","Object","" "","Architecture | Building Blocks | Epikranitis","1933","","Broken both ends and below.; The back is rough-picked: original working suggesting that the pieces is a patch. Most of the beak is broken away. Spacing of ornament 0.033m.; From the Stoa of Zeus.; Pentelic marble.","","Agora:Object:A 372","Epikranitis Molding Fragment","","","Agora","A 372","Object","" "","Architecture | Geisons | Doric","1933","","Fragment of hawk's beak molding, probably from raking cornice. Ovolo type. Broken at both ends. Traces of painted leaf.; Pentelic marble.; ; ADDENDA Hephaisteion?","","Agora:Object:A 373","Cornice Fragment","","","Agora","A 373","Object","" "","Architecture | Moldings | Crowning","1933","","Hawk's beak. Broken away both ends, below and behind.; Ovolo type. Finished with a toothed chisel on top.; Granular creamy Poros.","","Agora:Object:A 374","Molding Fragment","","","Agora","A 374","Object","" "","Architecture | Simas and Lion Spouts","1933","","One end preserved; a joint surface. ; Cyma recta type.; Pentelic marble.","","Agora:Object:A 375","Sima Fragment","","","Agora","A 375","Object",""