"Redirect","Chronology","Id","Type","Collection","dc-creator","Icon","dc-subject","Name","dc-publisher","dc-description","dc-title","UserLevel","dc-date" "","1st quarter 4th c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H 18:1.2","Deposit","Agora","","","","H 18:1.2","","","Lower dumped fill","","" "","Late 5th c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H 18:1.3","Deposit","Agora","","","","H 18:1.3","","","Lower fill","","" "","Ca. 410-250 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H 19:1","Deposit","Agora","","","","H 19:1","","Dimensions 2.86x1.50x0.70m in depth; stratified fill in rockcut pit (three rockcut steps leading down at one end) which apparently served as a rubbish dump (pottery fragments with carbon and ash).","Rockcut Pit","","2-24 May 1939" "","Roman","Agora:Deposit:H 19:1.1","Deposit","Agora","","","","H 19:1.1","","Chronology mixed to late Roman.","Upper fill","","" "","Ca. 350-250 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H 19:1.2","Deposit","Agora","","","","H 19:1.2","","","Middle fill","","" "","Ca. 410-390 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H 19:1.3","Deposit","Agora","","","","H 19:1.3","","","Lower fill","","" "","","Agora:Deposit:H-I 7:1","Deposit","Agora","","","","H-I 7:1","","Lamps all found together at the southeast corner of the excavated area, in a deposit running in part under the dike of earth which has been left against the wall of the street.; Includes 10 lamps in Section Η' from the burnt layer, ca. 0.60m. above bedding for S foundation of Stoa of Zeus at 19/ΝΕ, see nbp. 568.","Late Roman Lamp Deposit","","17-18 June 1931; 15 May 1933" "","First half of 5th c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:H-I 7-8:1","Deposit","Agora","","","","H-I 7-8:1","","Accumulated debris on the west side of the market square. ; Related layers added 1999/2000 (JWH), e.g. ""Gravelly layer above burning"", ""Clearing Classical floor"", ""Lowest level above bedrock"", ""Below burning"", etc.; ; Cf. Hesperia 2 (1933), p. 209.; ; Apparently the burnt layer runs through sections Α, ΟΕ and Ε as well. No finds are listed here from those sections, but cf. e.g. Nbp. Α 124.","""Burnt Layer""","","8 March 1933; 24 April 1933; 11-29 May 1933" "","8th-6th c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H-I 10:1","Deposit","Agora","","","","H-I 10:1","","Exploratory excavation trench between east front of Hellenistic Metroon and Great Drain. ; ; Cf. Hesperia Suppl. 4 (1941), p. 106.; Cf. also Metroon Drain Cut I 9:1 and F-G 12:1 and H 12:9.","Stoa Pit G","","19 April-3 May 1934" "","Mid-3rd c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:H-I 12:1","Deposit","Agora","","","","H-I 12:1","","Burnt Layer inside retaining wall of Middle Stoa Terrace (Θ) and NW Corner of Middle Stoa, burnt debris inside terrace retaining wall (Ζ).","Burnt Layers","","1-9 June 1951 (Ζ); 8-9 July 1947 (Θ)" "","To ca. 140 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H-I 14:1","Deposit","Agora","","","","H-I 14:1","","Hellenistic fill South of Middle Stoa near NW corner of Heliaea. This fill contained material later in date than that which made up the middle Stoa Building Fill. ; ; Only the coins (and a few amphora handles [why only these?]) from this area. Other finds are with H-K 12-14.; ; See Hesperia 57 (1988), pp. 88-89 for a description of the dating and ""The lots collected in Kleiner's Deposit III, however, do not seem to form a logical stratigraphic unit...""","Kleiner Coin Deposit III","","3 May 1954; 4 June 1954" "","","Agora:Deposit:H-I 16-17","Deposit","Agora","","","","H-I 16-17","","Cistern system: chambers and shafts numbered separately: ; H 16:2 at 52/Θ, I 17:4 at 61/ΙΘ, I 17:5 at 63/ΚΓ and I 16:6 at 63/Β.","Cistern System","","18 June 1932" "","Before ca. 150 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H-I-J 12-13","Deposit","Agora","","","","H-I-J 12-13","","Middle Stoa Building Fill.; Cf. also H-I-J 14-15, H-K 12-14 (ask SIR) (unsolved); ; This deposit is not definitive and must be considered with the above deposits before details are entered into database; left for later, in the interest of time (Dec 2007/pf).","Middle Stoa Building Fill.","","" "","","Agora:Deposit:H-I-J 14-15","Deposit","Agora","","","","H-I-J 14-15","","Hellenistic Fills South of Middle Stoa (1954) (cf. K-M 13-14, etc) (unsolved); ; This deposit is not definitive and must be considered with the above deposits before details are entered into database; left for later, in the interest of time (Dec 2007/pf).","","","" "","To ca. 180 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:H-K 12-14","Deposit","Agora","","","","H-K 12-14","","Middle Stoa Building Fill (with filling to S) (See also Κ: H-I-J 14-15 and Λ: K-M 13-14); ; This deposit is not definitive and must be considered with the above deposits before details are entered into database; left for later in the interest of time (Dec 2007/pf); ; Date based on Grace's analysis of ca. 1500 stamped amphora handles in fill. Latest coins date 200-180. Five fragments of long-petal bowls and one fragment of figured bowl of M Monogram Class come from disturbed area of fill at west end of building. Otherwise bowls similar to those in other deposits of early 2nd. c. Fragments of six molds.","Middle Stoa Building Fill","","" "","17-18 c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:I 3:1","Deposit","Agora","","Agora:Image:2012.72.0803::/Agora/2012/2012.72/2012.72.0803.jpg::2048::1377","","I 3:1","","A tile lined well under Room I of Byzantine House. ; A concrete shaft belonging to the mill cut off the top of the well and left in place 3 complete sets of tiles and most of a fourth set. All but the lowest set of tiles were cracked and pushed slightly out of alignment, as a result of subsequent construction.","Well Under Room I of Byzantine House","","22 June-1 July 1981" "","4th quarter of 5th c. B.C.","Agora:Deposit:I 4:1","Deposit","Agora","","","","I 4:1","","Royal Stoa, N. Annex building fill, N Trench, Layer 7.","Royal Stoa, North Annex Building Fill","","24 July 1970" "","2nd/3rd quarters of 5th c.-420s","Agora:Deposit:I 4:2","Deposit","Agora","","","","I 4:2","","Fill against back wall foundations of Royal Stoa I/6,9-4/8,14. Dug separately, these many fills contain material which joined horizontally and vertically all along back wall of Royal Stoa. Fill seems to date as late as the 420s.during mending.","Building Fill in ΒΓ","","18 June-30 August 1993" "","","Agora:Deposit:I 4-5:1","Deposit","Agora","","","","I 4-5:1","","The Building Fill had been badly disturbed and has been divided into several different lots, resulting in two main divisions: layer 5 (upper building fill) and layer 6 (lower building fill). Later investigation included Footing Trench of stylobate, outside Royal Stoa.","Building Fill of Royal Stoa","","23 June-16 July 1973" "","Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean","Agora:Deposit:I 5:1","Deposit","Agora","Susan Rotroff","Agora:Image:1997.01.0330::/Agora/1997/1997.01/1997.01.0330.tif::688::1075","","I 5:1","","Grave 1. Burial of a child perhaps 6 years old, covered by broken amphora. Skeleton lay extended on its back, oriented N-S, with head at south. No grave gifts.","Pit Τomb, Child Inhumation","","9 May 1973"