[Agora Deposit] I 17:5: Drawshaft, Cistern Shaft at 63/ΚΓ

Cistern shaft at 63/ΚΓ. Part of H-I 16-17 system. Contents of 3rd c. disturbed. Part of extensive cistern system, of which one chamber, three drawshafts, and two blind tunnels were excavated (H 16:2, ... 3rd c., disturbed

[Agora Deposit] M 20:1: Cistern

Cistern on lower northeast slope of the Areopagus. Two Hellenistic fills with late Hellenistic to Roman fill above. Use fill characterized by broken water jars (lower fill); contemporary dump (middle fill); ... Early 1st c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] N 20:4: Mask Cistern

Dumped fillings thrown in during second quarter of 1st c. B.C. containing mostly debris resulting from Sulla's sack in 86 B.C. Agora XXIX, p. 464: Four fills distinguished during excavations ... but seemingly ... Late 2nd c. and early 1st c. B.C. POU; 110-75 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] C 20:2: Koukla Factory and Related Fills

In area West of the Areopagus. Fills with many figurines and molds, possibly from a terracotta factory. Twelve stamped amphora handles; no long-petal bowls; Type 54 A lamp Coins: 31 May 1939 #11 1 June ... Mostly 200-150 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] D 11:4: Drawshaft

Part of the cistern system 44/ΙΓ - 46/ΙΑ - 42/Θ. Objects with context as "cistern 44ΙΓ, mouth of 46/ΙΑ" are listed with D 12:2. The following objects are from "earth", i.e. no context layer: SS 5334, ... Late Hellenistic-Early Roman

[Agora Deposit] D-E 15:1: Great Drain Fillings

Great Drain: fillings in south part of section; Martyrs I, II and III, all layers (essentially no difference in the layers). Pottery sorted and recorded by H.A. Thompson 12 may 1950: "Having gone through ... Second half of 2nd c. B.C.-Early 1st c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 10:1: Manhole, Channel Mouth 4

Water channel in north part of Section: Channel Mouth 4. Coins: 22 February 1936 #16-#18 24 February 1936 #1-#2 Twenty stamped amphora handles; type 38 lamp; type 56 A lamp; over half of bowls long-petal ... 120-86 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] E 14:1: Cistern

Cistern at the southeast foot of Kolonos Agoraios. Nbp. 2369: Two chamber cisterns, 88/ΛΔ and 100/ΚΘ, united by a long straight passage running almost due N-S. A draw shaft at 95/ΚΘ is set just off the ... Use filling of late 4th-early 3rd c. B.C. Accumulative fillings of late 3rd-early 2nd and late 1st c. B.C. Upper dumped filling of 3rd c. A.D.