
[Corinth Object] C 1933 534: LATE BYZANTINE BOWL

Bowl with upper part of flaring ring foot, with flat resting surface, with central medallion. Similar to C-1937-1984 (Corinth 11). Mottled green glaze all over except on interior of foot. Impressed design ... ?


[Corinth Object] C 1933 537: SMALL BYZANTINE PLATE

Small plate with flat undersurface. Similar in shape to C-1937-899. Exterior: light green glaze. Interior: darker green glaze. Brown incised marks, impressed design of square or diamond. Coarse light gray ... Middle-Late Byzantine ?


[Corinth Object] MF 1753: BRONZE PIN

Bronze pin consisting of a long, thin shaft, circular in section, ending in an upright oval head. Bronze Missing parts. Single fragment preserves shaft, head; end of shaft and tip missing ... 4th century