[Agora Deposit] E-F 2-3:2: Fill

N-S Cut on 50m. line (area of Road, area of Stoa, area N of Stoa) various levels and dates over the three areas. Investigations to the northwest of the market square in the area of the road running out ... Prehistoric to Roman ... E-G 2-4

[Agora Deposit] F-G 3:1: Fill

N-S Cut on 20m. line (area of Road, area of Stoa, area N of Stoa) various levels and dates over the three areas. Investigations to the northwest of the market square in the area of the road that bordered ... Protogeometric to Late Roman ... N-S Cut on 20m. line ... follows: Area of Road: Layer I- IV and pit below Layer I


[Agora Deposit] T 22:3: Well

Well cut into bedrock, associated with late Roman building G in ΕΛ 1.2m in diameter, narrows to 0.5m at bottom. Disturbed by later pits at top. Excavated from 85.77-79.25m (6.52m), but bedrock at 85.91m ... Late 4th/early 5th AD ... Late 4th/early 5th AD