
[Agora Deposit] J 1:13: Tomb

Marcie Handler ... This deposit is a Mycenaean cist grave with two cover slabs, a type of burial described by Immerwahr in Agora XIII (pp. 103-104). Cist graves appear side by side with chamber tombs in the Mycenaean cemeteries ... LHIIB-LHIIIA:1


[Agora Deposit] J 7:1: Child Inhumation

E.D. Townsend Vermeule ... Protogeometric Grave no. 2 at North of Temple of Ares (Grave XXXVII). Rectangular stone-lined pit in filling of Mycenaean chamber tomb (J 7:2); the skeleton of a boy. Cf. P 21275 which is from the "preliminary ... Middle Protogeometric


[Agora Deposit] J 7:2: Chamber Tomb under the Temple of Ares

Mycenaean Chamber Tomb under north side of Temple of Ares, towards its west end.(1951). The tomb had a hasty and unfinished appearance oddly at variance with its long history and the quality of the pottery ... 1st: Myc IIB-IIA:1-2, 2nd: Myc. IIIC:1 (1450-1200 B.C.)


[Agora Deposit] J 8:1: Disturbed Chamber Tomb (?)

Rebecca Wood Robinson ... Mycenaean Grave C. Lisa's list mentions also Grave D ... Myc. IIIA 1:2


[Agora Deposit] J 8:2: Disturbed Chamber Tomb (?)

Mycenaean Grave F. It seemed to be more as a collection of bones and offerings, presumably swept aside to make room for later burials; they are east of and slightly higher than children's graves A and ... Myc. IIIA


[Agora Deposit] J 8:3: Double Pit Grave

Mycenaean Double Grave (Graves A and B). Grave A was in Layer II. We laid a skull and a few other bones, three vases and a stone bead. We have dug to a maximum of about 0.06m below the top of Layer II ... Myc. IIIA/B


[Agora Deposit] J 8:4: Disturbed Chamber Tomb

Disturbed Mycenaean chamber tomb. It was the first Mycenaean burial found in the Agora. It is situated about 20m due south of Tomb VII, only a few meters beyond the south edge of the Augustan foundation ... Myc. IIIA (1st half of 14th c.)


[Agora Deposit] J 10:1: Unfinished Chamber Tomb

Plundered Chamber Tomb. (Tomb XII). A few meters SE of the great white marble altar. The chamber is an irregular rectangle, oriented roughly N-S, with dromos leading in at a very gentle slope from the ... LH III A


[Agora Deposit] J-K 2:2: Chamber Tomb Below Floor of Room 2 of Classical Building II

David Scahill ... Below packed clay floors in Room 2 of Classical Building II; bordered on east and south sides by polygonal cross wall and back wall extension for Classical Building. Late Roman wall and drain installation ... LHIII A:1


[Agora Deposit] K 2:5: Mycenaean Chamber Tomb

David Scahill ... Behind northeast corner of Classical Building; east wall C. Below Hellenistic levels and early Classical pit. Chamber cut through bedrock, depth ca. 0.90m., diameter ca. 2m., roughly square in shape, angling ... LH III A:1


[Agora Deposit] M 12:1: Cist Grave in

Mycenaean Grave. One of the first Mycenaean burials found in the Agora. It consisted of a regular cist, carefully cut with vertical sides and a flat bottom, measuring 1.90m by 0.55m. There were apparently ... LH III (c. 1200)


[Agora Deposit] M 16-17:1: Pit Tomb, Adult Inhumation

Eugene Vanderpool ... Grave (E.L. Smithson: Grave II: SM). Unlined trench, roughly the size of the deceased, cut into bedrock to a depth of just over 1.50m. Oriented north-south, the tomb pit measured 1.69m in length (length ... Late Mycenaean/Submycenaean-Earliest Protogeometric


[Agora Deposit] M 21:1: Komos Cistern

Komos Cistern at 66/Κ, on the north slope of the Areopagus. Homogeneous fill. Thirty-four stamped amphora handles. Eight Histiaian tetrobols, dating 170-160 at the earliest, found near top, possibly an ... Last quarter of 3rd c. B.C.-Early 2nd century B.C.


[Agora Deposit] M 21:2: Tomb of the Bronzes

Mycenaean Chamber Tomb Burials ... Myc. III A:1-2


[Agora Deposit] N 7:2: Lily Bowl Grave

Mycenaean grave. Small pit grave (0.50m by 1.35m by 0.75m deep) containing the skeleton of an infant girl. Although a simple grave with a single interment, the pit was packed with gifts. These consisted ... No later than mid-15th c.


[Agora Deposit] N 12:1: Child's Pit Grave

Mycenaean grave. It consisted of a shallow rectangular cutting in bedrock about 1.40m by 0.70m, but it was probably somewhat bigger, since the east side and a large part of the north side had been cut ... Myc. IIIA:1-2


[Agora Deposit] N 12:4: Tomb with coffins

Mycenaean Chamber Tomb below Middle Stoa Terrace. The tomb was entered from the west by a stepped dromos, at least 4.20m long by 1.10 to 1.50m. wide, splaying slightly toward the doorway, which was 1.26m ... Myc. IIIA:1


[Agora Deposit] N 16:1: Pit Tomb, Infant Inhumation

Eugene Vanderpool ... Grave (E.L. Smithson: Grave III: SM). The close proximity and similarity of this tomb and tomb M 16-17:1 strongly suggests that they were intentionally laid out in relation to one another and were contemporary ... Late Mycenaean/Submycenaean-Earliest Protogeometric


[Agora Deposit] N 21-22:1: Tomb of the Ivory Pyxides

Mycenaean Chamber Tomb occupies a considerable part of the western half of section ΕΕ; lies about half way up the north slope of the Areopagus towards its eastern end, just below the highest point of the ... Myc. III A:1


[Agora Deposit] N 21:5: Disturbed Tomb with Cist Grave

Mycenaean Small Chamber tomb. The cist measures 1,90m E to W, 0.75-0.90m N to S, max. depth -1.30m. Nothing was found in it; cleaned in modern times and used as a cesspool. Some of the SW part of it had ... Myc. IIIA, early 14th c.