[Corinth Basket] NB184 P83

184 83 Area IV ... 1939/05/05

[Corinth Basket] NB184 P114

Deposit 184 114 NB184 P114 Well at K:23 Excavation date uncertain ... 1939/05/23

[Corinth Basket] NB184 P133

184 133 NB184 P133 ... 1939/05/24

[Corinth Basket] Museum west, Fill: Fill

Deposit NB (SSW) P114 Fill ... Late Neolithic to Early Helladic


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 42 (pp. 73 - 74)

73 74 Pg. 73, Area II, 2/5/1939, FP 86 Pg. 73, Area II, 2/5/1939, MF 8503, Terracotta head Pg. 73, Area II, 2/5/1939, MF 8509, Fragments of terracotta plaque Pg. 73, Area II, 2/5/1939, MF 8512 a, b, Two ... 2/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 43 (pp. 75 - 76)

75 76 Pg. 75, Area IV (cont.), 2/5/1939, MF 1952 e, terracotta figurine fragments Pg. 75, Area IV (cont.), 2/5/1939, MF 9753 a, Toes of large terracotta figurine Pg. 76, Area II, 3/5/1939, CL 3943, Lamp, ... 2/5/1939, 3/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 44 (pp. 77 - 78)

77 78 Pg. 77, Area II (cont.), 3/5/1939, CL 3944, Lamp fragment, Type V Pg. 78, Area IV (cont.), 3/5/1939, MF 8501, Terracotta satyr fragment Pg. 78, Area IV (cont.), 3/5/1939, MF 9753 c-m, Fragments of ... 3/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 45 (pp. 79 - 80)

79 80 Pg. 80, Area II (cont.), 4/5/1939, MF 8550, Bronze object Pg. 80, Area II (cont.), 4/5/1939, CL 3945, Fragments of lamp, Type II ... 4/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 46 (pp. 81 - 82)

81 82 Pg. 81, Area I, 5/5/1939, MF 8511, Terracotta female head Pg. 82, Area II (cont.), 5/5/1939, MF 8525, Lead object Pg. 82, Area II (cont.), 5/5/1939, MF 8515, Terracotta spool Pg. 82, Area III, 5/5/1939, ... 5/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 47 (pp. 83 - 84)

83 84 Pg. 83, Area V (cont.), 5/5/1939, C 1939 279 a-b, Fragments of fine red-figured vase Pg. 83, Area V (cont.), 5/5/1939, C 1939 439, Miniature saucer Pg. 83, Area V (cont.), 5/5/1939, MF 8510, Terracotta ... 5/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 48 (pp. 85 - 86)

85 86 Pg. 85, Area IV, 6/5/1939, CL 3947, Lamp, Type III Pg. 85, Area IV, 6/5/1939, CL 3948, Lamp, Type III Pg. 85, Trench XXXIII, 6/5/1939, MF 8539, Stamped loomweight ... 6/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 49 (pp. 87 - 88)

87 88 Pg. 87, Pit at K-3 (Well 1939 1) (cont.), 8/5/1939, C 1939 347, Sherds Pg. 87, Pit at K-3 (Well 1939 1) (cont.), 8/5/1939, CL 3949, Lamp fragments, Type V ... 8/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 50 (pp. 89 - 90)

89 90 Pg. 89, Area I, 9/5/1939, C 1939 471, Sherds Pg. 89, Area I, 9/5/1939, MF 8476, Celt Pg. 89, Well 1939 1, 9/5/1939, MF 8466, Stamped loomweight Pg. 90, Well 1939 1 (cont), 9/5/1939, MF 8472, Stamped ... 9/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 51 (pp. 91 - 92)

91 92 Pg. 91, Area I, 10/5/1939, C 1939 472, Sherds Pg. 91, Area I, 10/5/1939, C 1939 473, Sherds Pg. 91, Area I, 10/5/1939, MF 8526, Bone object Pg. 91, Area I, 10/5/1939, MF 8554, Obsidian blade Pg ... 10/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 52 (pp. 93 - 94)

93 94 Pg. 93, Well 1939 1 (cont.), 10/5/1939, MF 8508 Pg. 93, Well 1939 1 (cont.), 10/5/1939, MF 8480 Pg. 93, Well 1939 1 (cont.), 10/5/1939, MF 8467 Pg. 93, Area IV, 10/5/1939, MF 8505, TERRACOTTA FIGURINE: ... 10/5/1939, 11/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 53 (pp. 95 - 96)

95 96 Pg. 95, Well 1939 1 (cont), 11/5/1939, CL 3954, Lamp fragments Pg. 95, Well 1939 1 (cont), 11/5/1939, MF 8492, Terracotta object Pg. 95, Well 1939 1 (cont), 11/5/1939, MF 8479 a-b, Terracotta fragment ... 11/5/1939, 12/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 54 (pp. 97 - 98)

97 98 Pg. 97, Well 1939 1, 12/5/1939, MF 8488, Terracotta bird Pg. 97, Well 1939 1, 12/5/1939, MF 8478, terracotta figurine (female) Pg. 97, Well 1939 1, 12/5/1939, MF 8497, Bone handle Pg. 97, Well 1939 ... 12/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 55 (pp. 99 - 100)

99 100 Pg. 99, Area I, 13/5/1939, MF 8572, [?] Pg. 99, Well 1939 1, 13/5/1939, MF 8489, terracotta figurine (upper half of very small figure) Pg. 99, Well 1939 1, 13/5/1939, MF 8493, LEG OF TERRACOTTA ... 13/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 56 (pp. 101 - 102)

101 102 Pg. 101, Area I, 15/5/1939, C 1939 475, Stamped jar collar Pg. 101, Area I, 15/5/1939, MF 8523, Small celt Pg. 101, Area I, 15/5/1939, MF 8524, Fragment of green stone [?] Pg. 101, Area I, 15/5/1939, ... 15/5/1939


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 184, spread 57 (pp. 103 - 104)

103 104 Pg. 103, Area I, 16/5/1939, MF 8556 Pg. 103, Area I, 16/5/1939, MF 8557 Pg. 103, Well 1939 1, 16/5/1939, CL 3958, Lamp, Type V? Pg. 104, Well 1939 1 (cont.), 16/5/1939, CL 3959, Peculiar lamp fragment ... 16/5/1939