[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 16 2003: Altar of the Twelve Gods


Altar of the Twelve Gods Near the middle of the open square, somewhat to the north, lay the Altar of the Twelve Gods (Fig. 7), today largely hidden under the Athens–Piraeus railway (1891). A corner of ... Gods (Fig. 7), today largely ... missing. Figure 7. Altar of the ... Herodotos (2.7), when giving a

[Agora Webpage] AgoraPicBk 16 2003: History of the Agora


History of the Agora The excavations of the Athenian Agora have uncovered about thirty acres on the sloping ground northwest of the Acropolis (Fig. 3). Material of all periods from the Late Neolithic to ... speaks]: "'I have never feared ... deceive each other. If I keep ... democracy in 508/7 B.C. led to

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: The Boule


The Boule (The Senate) The Athenian legislature also included a deliberative body known as the Boule. It was made up of 500 members -- 50 from each of the 10 tribes -- who were chosen by lot and served ... treaties: Nevertheless I still ... Museum I 4869. The fragment ... 14.4.7, 5.3). The Boule had a

[Agora Webpage] Overview: The Notebooks


The Notebooks The process of excavating an archaeological site is essentially destructive but the irrevocable features are preserved in a notebook. The excavator records his thoughts and observations, ... first two pages of Nb. Ε I ... life-size” (Nb. Ε I, p. 4; April