[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2008 by Joseph Lillywhite, Joel Rygorsky, Matthew Sears, Martin Wells (2008-04-07 to 2008-06-13): Early Modern through Late Byzantine levels in Nezi Field

We, Joseph Lillywhite, Joel Rygorsky, Matthew Sears and Martin Wells, continued excavation in the entirety of Nezi Field from May 5 – June 13th, 2008. This report will summarize our own findings, while ... 2008-06-13)

[Corinth Report] Temple E, Southeast 2015 by Sitz, Anna and Katz, Philip (2015-06-02 to 2015-06-26): Unit 2, Room 9: later half of thirteenth century and earlier cistern; Unit 2, Room 6: Frankish burials and 13th century surfaces

Session III Unit 2, Room 9 N: 1086.73, S: 1079.10, E: 132.85, W: 126.83 Unit 2, Room 6 N: 1085.00, S: 1077.00, E: 120.70, W: 116.85 This is the final summary of the third excavation session for 2015 in ... (pickman for the bottom layers). Grave 2015­13 was excavated by Elina Salminen during  the same period ... of the late 13 ... would have been during the original digging of 733 in the late 13

[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2009 by Martin Wells, Katie Rask, Dreya Mihaloew (2009-05-18 to 2009-05-19): End of 2nd session, 2009

Dreya Mihaloew, Katie Rask, Marty Wells ASCSA Corinth Excavations North of Nezi Session 2: April 27 – May 22, 2009 Session 2 excavations were carried out from April 27th to May 15th in the area north ... that the late-13th century ... examined on May 13, 1961 (NB ... late-13th century reorganization

[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2007 by Lydia Herring, Josh Langseth, Kris Lorenzo (2007-04-09 to 2007-04-27): Pre-Early Modern to Modern Strata in the Southern End of Nezi Field

INTRODUCTION In the past three weeks, we, Lydia Herring, Josh Langseth, and Kris Lorenzo, opened an area at the extreme north of the Nezi field under the supervision of Director of Excavation Guy Sanders ... Nezi Field, context 13