[Agora Object] Agora XII, no. 1987

Shallow round-bottomed pan; strap handle looped on to rim. Similar, larger, P 4462 F 11:2-U Pots and Pans, fig. 40, left at back; J.H.S., LXXXII, 1962, pl. IV, 6, right. Handle of another, similar, in ... Context ca. 420-400 B.C.

[Agora Object] Agora XII, no. 1988

Very shallow round-bottomed pan; rim flattened on top and projecting slightly inside. Two rolled horizontal handles at rim ... Context ca. 300 B.C.

[Agora Object] Agora XII, no. 1989

Rim fragment. Similar to 1988 but much larger, and with the start of a handle set on top of the rim and rising from it ... Context ca. 300 B.C.

[Agora Object] Agora XII, no. 1990

Rim and handle fragment. Rolled loop handle at rim. Context unknown ... Context unknown.