
[Agora Deposit] J 3:9: Burial within Well

David Scahill ... Burial in Geometric well (J 3:8), in Classical Building II, Room I, next to south ashlar wall. "No grave goods!" ADDENDA: J. Papadopoulos later associated P 34449 and P 34450 to that grave. (Cf. Agora ... Geometric


[Agora Deposit] K 1:5: Well

Tom Milbank ... An unlined and relatively narrow (ca. 0.82m. in diameter) well cut through hard-pack and bedrock. Although three periods of use can be discerned in the stratigraphy of the well below a depth of ca. 5.47m., ... Middle Geometric I


[Agora Deposit] L 2:2: Well

Anne McCabe ... Adjacent to the SW face of Byzantine Wall 14. The circular cutting, 0.90m in diameter, appeared at 53.504m under a layer of loose rubble (Lot 481). Wall of the well roughly built, consisting at the top ... 11-19 July 2006 24 June-21 July 2009


[Agora Deposit] L 2:6: Cistern at L/11-2/11

The cistern was lined with stones at the top with an opening 0.80 m in diameter. For the most part, it seemed to cut into bedrock except along its northern edge where some 5th c. B.C fill remains and main ... 2-19 July 2010