[Agora Deposit] K-N 9-12: Investigations in the Area of the Odeion (Trenches A-Q)

Investigations in the area of the Odeion: lettered Odeion Trenches not otherwise specified. The trenches were excavated by layers; these layers could be compared across the area to determine correlation ... 1st c. B.C.

[Agora Deposit] L 11:1: Well in a West Part of Odeion Cavea

Well a in west part of Odeion Cavea, probably unfinished. The dumped fill mostly potters' refuse including test pieces. Well D. Diameter ca. 0.90m ... Early Protogeometric

[Agora Deposit] M 11:3: Well

7th c. well below east part of Odeion Cavea Trench K). Use filling negligible; dumped filling of the second half of the 7th c. B.C. Brann Well H. Diameter 1.10m. Cut into bedrock. During excavation seepage ... 650-600 B.C.


[Agora Image] 2012.48.0575 (Section ΩΔ 166)

West side of Odeion from north. Showing area to be levelled ... AMS Horizontal (normal)