[Agora Deposit] P 21:4: Cistern at 53/NE

Cistern at 53/ΝΕ, bottle-shaped, stucco-lined, in the east aisle of the peristyle of Roman House H (courtyard of Greek House G, just west of andron). Lower diameter 2.73m. Homogenous fill all apparently ... Into early 2nd century B.C.

[Agora Deposit] F 12:7: Cistern Passage/Drawshaft

Part of cistern system with mouths at 47/ΛΒ, 60/ΜΖ and 51/ΜΓ. Last 1.50m. of 47/ΛΒ probably cut in modern times, contained modern fill in bottom. Coins: 10 March 1934 #2-#7 12 March 1934 #9-#14 16 March ... Hellenistic and modern.