[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: The Prytaneis


The Prytaneis (Executive Committee) The senators administered their meetings themselves. Each tribal contingent in the Boule served in rotation for a period of 35 or 36 days as the Prytaneis, or Executive ... Agora

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Sokrates


Sokrates The philosopher Sokrates was one of many Athenians critical of the people and their control over affairs of state. His probing public debates with fellow citizens led to his trial for impiety ... Athens, Agora Museum P 22998 ... Athens, Agora Museum P 20858 ... the Athenians. The Agora

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Practice of Ostracism


Ostracism Soon after their victory over the Persians at the battle of Marathon in 490 B.C., the Athenians began the practice of ostracism, a form of election designed to curb the power of any rising tyrant ... Agora

[Agora Webpage] Birth of Democracy: Women


The Unenfranchised I - Women Numerous people resident in Athens and Attica had little part in the political life of the state. Most glaring by modern standards was the exclusion of women, although a similar ... Agora Museum P 23133. The ... Athens, Agora Museum P 29766 ... the Agora, and it is not

[Agora Webpage] Publications: Monographs


Monographs Excavations in the civic and cultural center of classical Athens began in 1931 and have continued almost without interruption to the present day. The first Athenian Agora volumes presenting ... first Athenian Agora volumes ... Agora portraits interest us, ... Athenian Agora during