[Agora Object] P 25288: Goblet Fragments

Stem fragments of 6 goblets. Bases and bowls broken off. Unglazed. Geometric well. Leica ... March 1938

[Agora Object] P 25289: Lid Fragment

Outside, alternate heavy and two narrow bands; dots and then three lines below rim. Dull black glaze; inside not glazed. Geometric well. Leica, 81-370 ... March 1938

[Agora Object] P 25290: Cup Fragment

Handle fragment with part of wall. Outside glazed, except handle space and inside of handle and reserved line below rim. Inside, broad glazed and reserved bands alternating; thin brown lines in the reserved ... March 1938

[Agora Object] ST 229: Disc

Flat circular disk of sandstone (?). Unpierced. Geometric Well; lower fill. Leica, 81-640 ... 15 March 1938

[Agora Object] ST 230: Disc

Flat round disk irregularly cut from soft white poros. Geometric Well; lower fill. Leica ... 16 March 1938

[Agora Object] ST 231: Disc

Large round disk cut from black lava, or millstone stone (mylopetra). Geometric Well; lower fill. Leica ... 16 March 1938

[Agora Object] ST 235: Disc

Thic round disc, pierced through the middle, unglazed. Poros. Geometric Well, lower fill. Leica ... 15-18 March 1938

[Agora Publication] Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens

American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Hesperia 30 10.2307_147039 10.2307_147040 10.2307_147041 10.2307_147042 10.2307_147043 10.2307_147044 10.2307_147045 10.2307_147046 10.2307_147204 10.2307_147205 10.2307_147206 10.2307_147207 10.2307_147208 ... 1961


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 45, p. 31

Neck Amphora; Late Geometric. Brann L 2. Well. Amphora; Late Geometric. Young XI 1. I.L.N., Oct 13, 1939, p. 648, fig. 5. Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 116, inv. 821. CVA Mannheim 1, pl. 2, 4. B.S.A., XII, 1905-1906, ... Agora 8 31 P 13767 P 5423 P 12105 P 8216 P 23888 P 21707 P 7492 P 5422 P 6401 P 4990 P 25630 P 25644 P 24032 V 24:2 F 12:2 S 18:1 D 12:3 N 11:6 P 7:3 D 11:5 G 12:24 G 12:19 J 14:5 J 15:1 ... 3rd quarter of 8th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 48, p. 34

J.H.S., LXXI, 1951, pl. 39, a. Banded Amphora. Well. Banded Ware. Banded Trefoil Amphoriskos. B.S.A., LII, 1957, pl. 3. Brann G 38. Brann H 50. Brann L 6. Brann F 43. Brann K 2. Young C 146. Banded and ... Agora 8 34 P 12445 P 20731 P 26242 P 23465 P 3469 P 21578 P 12119 P 12444 L 18:2 R 10:5 Q 8:9 R 8:2 I 14:1 P 7:3 S 18:1 ... Late 8th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 49, p. 35

CVA Copenhagen, 2, III H, pl. 72, 2. Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 97, inv. 327ff., pl. 120. Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 111, inv. 363. Dipylon Master. Young XI 7. Large Oinochoe; Dipylon. Well. Brann I 8. Brann I 4 ... Agora 8 35 P 7320 P 4980 P 25631 P 5882 P 12124 P 532 P 12104 D 12:3 G 12:16 J 14:5 F-G 9-10 S 18:1 H 17:4 ... 3rd quarter of 8th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 62, p. 48

Skyphos; Subgeometric. Hesperia, XVII, 1948, pl. 80, D 34-35. Well. Young C 46. Ath. Mitt., LXXII, 1957, Beil. 72. Subgeometric Skyphoi. Young D 4. Burial. Brann H 25. Brann F 34. Brann G 24. Small Skyphos; ... Agora 8 48 P 7162 P 10223 P 9005 P 21701 P 23434 P 3621 P 13662 P 20083 P 3645 P 12107 P 20677 P 12110 D 11:5 T 19:3 J 18:8 O 7:12 R 8:2 I 14:1 D 16:3 S 18:1 R 10:5 ... 1st half of 7th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 69, p. 55

Kados. Cooking Jug. Well. Brann H 59. Pit. Cooking Jug; Round-Bottomed. Cooking Jugs. A.J.A., XXXV, 1931, p. 414, fig. 8. Kerameikos, V, 1, pl. 155, inv. 355. Eva T. H. Brann, "Protoattic Well Groups from ... Agora 8 55 P 26492 P 17371 P 12626 P 10669 P 17394 P 10668 P 18532 P 10585 P 8396 P 12116 P 5416 P 25637 P 22731 P 12608 R 17:5 M 11:3 P 7:2 B 14:5 L 18:2 D 11:5 S 18:1 F 12:5 J 14:5 O 12:1 ... 2nd quarter of 7th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 79, p. 65

Well. Brann L 2. Jahrb., XIV, 1899, p. 191, figs. 48-51. Neck Fragment of Closed Pot; Late Geometric. Jahrb., XIV, 1899, p. 194, fig. 57. Sub-Dipylon Painter. Davison, "Geometric Workshops," p. 67, fig ... Agora 8 65 P 12281 P 26283 P 10227 P 4885 P 7184 P 22435 S 18:1 T 19:3 G 12:12 D 11:5 N 11:5 ... Late 8th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 80, p. 66

Neck Fragment; Late Geometric. Well. Hesperia, VIII, 1939, p. 260, fig. 16, no. 21. CVA Brussels, Musées Royaux 2, IV B, pl. 3, 12 a, b. Workshop of the Sub-Dipylon Painter. Davison, "Geometric Workshops," ... Agora 8 66 P 12499 P 10621 P 18496 P 15616 P 5732 P 10201 P 12267 P 6082 P 21442 P 13300 Q 18:1 T 19:3 C 18:2 E 16:1 B 14:5 S 18:1 H 8-10 R 9:2 G-H 11-12 ... 725 B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 98, p. 84

J.H.S., XXXII, 1912, pl. XII. Brann H 1. CVA Berlin 1, pl. 16, 1. Wile Style. CVA Athens 2, pl. 2, 1. Schliemann Krater. Fragment of Closed Pot; Middle Protoattic. Nessos Amphora. CVA Berlin 1, pl. 11 ... Agora 8 84 P 25725 P 23774 P 25323 P 4642 P 459 P 25714 P 25327 P 221 P 23449 P 1731 P 26288 P 12268 P 3790 P 26296 H-I 10:1 F-G 12:1 H 17:4 G-H 11-12 R 8:2 H 12:21 S 18:1 A 17:1 ... 2nd quarter of 7th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 116, p. 102

Fragment of Pithos. Handle Fragment; Cooking Ware. Other. Young B 82. Blegen, Zygouries, Cambridge, Mass., 1928, p. 121, fig. 114, no. 6. Fragment of Wash Bowl; Cooking Ware. Well. J. Schäfer, Studien ... Agora 8 102 P 15104 P 6493 P 14268 P 15103 P 12273 P 12615 P 26308 P 3057 P 12584 P 13741 P 13658 P 22284 P 13656 P 10225 P 10667 F-G 12:1 F 12:5 S 18:1 P 7:2 V 23:1 T 19:3 K 9:1 B 14:5 ... 7th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 145, p. 131

Well. Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 136-141. Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 117-125. Other. Hesperia, XX, 1951, pp. 50-51. Howland, Greek Lamps, p. 245. Hesperia, XXX, 1961, pp. 374-379. Pit ... Agora 8 131 P 4 P 7 P 8 P 10 P 13 P 16 P 17 P 19 P 20 P 25 P 33 P 34 P 36 P 12290 P 14210 P 14212 P 12173 P 14211 P 14213 P 14214 T 1915 P 12528 P 12526 P 12527 P 13113 P 13114 P 13115 P 13116 P 13117 ... 2nd half of 8th-Early 7th B.C.


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 8, s. 194

pl. 45. Burial. Well. Road. Kiln. Other. Pit. Fill ... Agora 8 O 7:12 M 7:1 P 7:2 P 7:3 R 8:2 Q 8:9 I 9:1 R 9:2 K 9:1 M 11:3 N 11:5 R 10:5 N 11:1 D 11:5 G 11:8 N 11:3 F 12:5 N 11:4 H 12:17 H 12:8 D 12:3 O 12:1 O 12:2 Q 12:2 R 12:2 F 12:6 F-G 12:1 F-G 12:2 ...


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 13, s. 296, p. 275

Burial. Well. Other. Pit ... Agora 13 275 Q 7:5 Q 8:4 T 24:2 Q 8:8 T 24:4 Q 9:1 T 25:1 Q 10:2 T 26:1 Q 10:3 T 26:2 Q 10:4 T 26:3 R 7:1 R 7:2 T 26:4 R 10:4 R 21:4 T 26:5 T 26:6 R 28:1 T 26-27:2 R 28:2 U 24:2 S 18:1 S 27:1 S 27:2 U ...


[Agora Publication Page] Agora 31, s. 39, p. 16

Well. Earliest Evidence for a Sanctuary. Other. Fill. Pit. Hesperia 67.4. Burial. Agora 8, pp. 111-113. Camp, 1979. Morris, 1987, pp. 158-162. Garnsey, 1988, pp. 113-115. Brann, 1961a, pp. 93-94. Agora ... Agora 31 16 S 20:1 S 18:1 S 19:7 T 20:2 T 19:3 T 20:3 T 20:4 U-V 19:1 S 19:4

[Agora Object] MC 451: Whorl

Double convex. Pierced through the middle. Unglazed. Pinkish buff clay, burned gray in places. Geometric well. Baskets 5-6. Leica ... 15 March 1938

[Agora Object] MC 452: Whorl

Double conical. Pierced through the middle. Similar to the preceding (MC 451), but flatter and slightly wider. Unglazed. Buff clay. Geometric well. Baskets 5-6. Leica ... 15 March 1938

[Agora Object] MC 453: Whorl

Chips missing from edge. Irrregularly shaped, double convex. Pierced through the middle. Four rosettes stamped on each side. Pinkish buff clay. Geometric well. Basket 9. Leica ... 16 March 1938

[Agora Object] MC 454: Whorl

Small double convex. Pierced through the middle. One side decorated with four rows of incised dots, two small stamped (?) rings, and an incised cross. Unglazed. Pinkish buff clay. Geometric well, lower ... 18 March 1938


[Agora Object] MC 455: Sphere

Spherical ball, without piercing, glaze or decoration. Pinkish buff clay. Geometric well. Basket 12. Leica, 81-368 ... 18 March 1938

[Agora Object] MC 462: Whorl

Conical. Vertically pierced. Sharply concave beneath. Coarse micaceous clay with grits. Geometric well, lower fill. Late 8th c. B.C. Leica ... 15-18 March 1938

[Agora Object] MC 463: Wheel Fragment

About one quarter preserved of a large, very thin, double convex disk pierced through the middle. A glazed square around the hole on one side, and the end of one arm of a cross (?) on the other. Soft ... 15-18 March 1938


[Agora Object] P 12076: Krater

About half preserved; both the horizontal handles are missing. Low flat base and rounded body with plain rim, slightly inward-tilted at the lip. Above the base, three wide glaze bands alternating with ... 12 March 1938


[Agora Object] P 12104: Oinochoe

The front of the trefoil mouth missing; restored in plaster. Low flat base, a cross on the bottom, Rounded body, and tall, slightly concave neck. On the body, four sets of concentric circles, overlapping ... 15 March 1938


[Agora Object] P 12105: Amphora

Fragments of the lip missing; restored in plaster. Vertical ring foot and plump ovoid body; wide neck, slightly concave, flaring to a rounded lip. Band handles, shoulder to halfway up neck. The body glazed ... 15 March 1938


[Agora Object] P 12106: Pitcher

Intact. Flat bottom and band handle with a finger depression at its base. Traces of smoothing with a stick; burned on one side. Handmade of coarse micaceous red clay with white grits. Geometric well, ... 15 March 1938


[Agora Object] P 12107: Skyphos

Small body fragment missing; a small hole through the floor. Flat bottom and deep body, convex, but with shallow shoulder; offset lip. Dull black glaze over all, somewhat peeled; the lip reserved outside ... 15 March 1938


[Agora Object] P 12108: Oinochoe

Small body and rim fragments missing. Flat bottom and deep rounded body; short neck, trefoil mouth, and rising band handle. The lower body glazed with a reserved band. Banded zone on the shoulder; a wavy ... 15 March 1938


[Agora Object] P 12109: Skyphos

About half, with one handle remains; restored in plaster. Flat bottom, deep body with shallow shoulder and straight rim, tilted slightly outward. Glazed to the handle zone. In the handle zone, birds, ... 15 March 1938

[Agora Object] P 12110: Skyphos

About half preserved; restored in plaster. Shallower and more open than P 12109 (ΑΑ 160), and with a more flaring rim. Glazed to the handle zone. In the center of the handle zone, a latticed triangle with ... 15 March 1938

[Agora Object] P 12111: Skyphos

Fragments of the body and rim missing. Streaky black glaze; much peeled. A reserved band outside the lip and three inside it. Reserved dot at the center of the floor. Geometric well, lower fill, basket ... 15 March 1938

[Agora Object] P 12112: Skyphos

About one-third preserved, but neither handle. Profile nearly complete; restored in plaster. Flat bottom; body glazed to the handle zone, which is banded and decorated with zigzag. Rim banded outside, ... 15 March 1938

[Agora Object] P 12113: Two-Handled Pot

Fragmentary upper part preserved; nothing of base; more than half the lip missing, most of one handle, and much of the walls. Restored in plaster. A small wide-mouthed amphora with band handles from lip ... 15 March 1938

[Agora Object] P 12114: Oinochoe Fragment

Preserved are the rolled handle with part of the shoulder, straight neck and trefoil mouth. The body glazed with a broad zone of reserved bands below the handle attachment; around the neck, a series of ... 15 March 1938