
[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-8 (pp. 805-806)

Vessel Fragment. Well. Bottle Fragment. Storage Amphora ... Φ-5 805, 806 G 144 G 145 G 146 P 11554 M 17:1 M 17:1.12 G 144 G 145 G 146 P 11554 ... 2 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-9 (pp. 807-808)

Amphora. Well. Amphora with Paint Decoration. Storage Amphora with Dipinto ... Φ-5 807, 808 P 11555 P 11556 Φ 235 P 9788 P 11557 P 11558 M 17:1.12 P 11555 P 11556 P 11557 P 11558 ... 2 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-10 (pp. 809-810)

Lamp Fragment. Well. Lid. Bowl Fragment. Loom Weight ... Φ-5 809, 810 L 3209 P 11559 P 11560 MC 426 M 17:1.12 M 17:1.11 L 3209 P 11559 P 11560 MC 426 ... 2 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-11 (pp. 811-812)

Vessel Fragment. Well. Plate or Bowl Fragment: Stamped. Jug. Dove Figurine Fragment ... Φ-5 811, 812 P 11561 P 11562 P 11563 T 1596 M 17:1.11 M 17:1.10 P 11561 P 11562 P 11563 T 1596 ... 3 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-12 (pp. 813-814)

Jug with Gouged Decoration. Well. Jug. Amphora ... Φ-5 813, 814 P 11564 P 11565 P 11566 P 11567 M 17:1.10 P 11564 P 11565 P 11566 P 11567 ... 3 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-13 (pp. 815-816)

Amphora. Well. Amphora with Graffito. Vessel Fragment. Bowl ... Φ-5 815, 816 P 11568 P 11569 G 147 P 11570 M 17:1.10 P 11568 P 11569 G 147 P 11570 ... 3 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-14 (pp. 817-818)

Jug Fragment with Gouged Decoration. Well. Jug. Water Jug ... Φ-5 817, 818 P 11571 P 11572 Φ 500 P 11564 P 11573 P 11574 M 17:1.10 M 17:1.9 P 11571 P 11572 P 11573 P 11574 ... 3 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-15 (pp. 819-820)

Water Jug. Well. Loom Weight. Jug ... Φ-5 819, 820 P 11575 MC 427 P 11577 M 17:1.9 P 11575 MC 427 P 11577 ... 5 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-16 (pp. 821-822)

Bowl Fragment. Well. Jug with Paint Decoration. Amphora with Graffito. Amphora with Combed Decoration ... Φ-5 821, 822 G 148 P 11578 Φ 544 P 11595 P 11579 P 11580 M 17:1.9 G 148 P 11578 P 11579 P 11580 ... 5 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-17 (pp. 823-824)

Amphora. Well. Jug Fragment with Dipinto. Jar Fragment with Dipinto. Jug with Dipinto ... Φ-5 823, 824 P 11581 P 9876 P 11582 P 11583 P 11584 M 17:1.9 M 17:1.8 P 11581 P 11582 P 11583 P 11584 ... 5 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-18 (pp. 825-826)

Funnel Fragments. Well. Bucket ... Φ-5 825, 826 P 11585 W 13 Φ 267 W 6 M 17:1.8 P 11585 W 13 ... 5 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-19 (pp. 827-828)

Bucket. Well. Iron Chain Fragments. Decanter ... Φ-5 827, 828 W 14 IL 634 P 11587 M 17:1.8 M 17:1.7 W 14 IL 634 P 11587 ... 5 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-20 (pp. 829-830)

Amphora. Well. Antefix: Plastic and Inscribed. Whetstone ... Φ-5 829, 830 P 11588 A 808 ST 219 M 17:1.7 P 11588 A 808 ST 219 ... 5 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-21 (pp. 831-832)

Jug. Well. Jug Fragment with Dipinto. Amphora ... Φ-5 831, 832 P 11589 P 11590 P 11591 Φ 536 G 149 M 17:1.7 P 11589 P 11590 P 11591 ... 5 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-22 (pp. 833-834)

Fragmentary Bowl. Well. Vessel Fragments. Bottle Fragments ... Φ-5 833, 834 G 150 G 151 G 152 G 153 M 17:1.7 G 150 G 151 G 152 G 153 ... 5-6 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-23 (pp. 835-836)

Jug. Well. Bowl Fragment with Paint Decoration. Jar Fragment with Dipinto. Oinochoe with Paint Decoration ... Φ-5 835, 836 P 11592 P 11593 P 11594 P 11595 Φ 517 P 11578 M 17:1.7 P 11592 P 11593 P 11594 P 11595 ... 6 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-24 (pp. 837-838)

Amphora. Well. Cup Fragment: Ribbed. Jug ... Φ-5 837, 838 P 11596 P 11597 P 11598 P 11599 M 17:1.7 P 11596 P 11597 P 11598 P 11599 ... 6 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-25 (pp. 839-840)

Amphora. Well. Fragmentary Amphora. Bowl Fragment ... Φ-5 839, 840 P 11600 G 149 G 154 M 17:1.7 P 11600 G 149 G 154 ... 6 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-26 (pp. 841-842)

Lamp. Well. Iron Handle with Ring. Jug ... Φ-5 841, 842 L 3210 IL 635 P 11601 P 11602 M 17:1.6 M 17:1.5 L 3210 IL 635 P 11601 P 11602 ... 6 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-27 (pp. 843-844)

Toe. Well. Iron Nail. Amphora. Decanter Fragment with Paint Decoration ... Φ-5 843, 844 B 510 IL 636 P 11603 P 11604 M 17:1 M 17:1.5 B 510 IL 636 P 11603 P 11604 ... 6 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-28 (pp. 845-846)

Amphora Fragment. Well. Jug. Bowl Fragment. Decanter Fragment ... Φ-5 845, 846 P 11605 P 11606 P 11607 P 11608 M 17:1.5 P 11605 P 11606 P 11607 P 11608 ... 6 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-29 (pp. 847-848)

Vessel Fragment. Well. Cup Fragments. Jug. Bowl Fragment ... Φ-5 847, 848 G 155 P 11609 P 11610 P 11611 M 17:1.5 G 155 P 11609 P 11610 P 11611 ... 7 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-30 (pp. 849-850)

Basin Fragment. Well. Iron Key. Vessel Fragment. Mug Fragment ... Φ-5 849, 850 P 11612 IL 637 G 156 G 157 M 17:1.5 P 11612 IL 637 G 156 G 157 ... 7 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-31 (pp. 851-852)

Bowl Fragment. Well. Lamp Fragments. Lamp Fragment. Jug ... Φ-5 851, 852 P 11613 L 3211 L 3212 P 11614 M 17:1.5 M 17:1.4 P 11613 L 3211 L 3212 P 11614 ... 7 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-32 (pp. 853-854)

Nude Figurine Fragments. Well. Jug Fragment. Water Jar with Graffiti. Water Jar ... Φ-5 853, 854 T 1597 P 11615 P 11616 P 11617 P 8766 M 17:1.4 T 1597 P 11615 P 11616 P 11617 ... 7-8 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-33 (pp. 855-856)

Head Fragment of Figurine. Well. Funnel. Bowl. Amphora ... Φ-5 855, 856 T 1598 P 11618 P 11619 P 11620 M 17:1.4 M 17:1.3 T 1598 P 11618 P 11619 P 11620 ... 7-8 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-34 (pp. 857-858)

Basket-Handled Water Jar. Well. Jug with Rouletting. Jug ... Φ-5 857, 858 P 11621 P 11622 P 11623 P 11624 M 17:1.3 P 11621 P 11622 P 11623 P 11624 ... 7-8 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-35 (pp. 859-860)

Oinochoe. Well. Jug. Jug with Rouletting. Bone Die ... Φ-5 859, 860 P 11625 Χ 822 P 11736 P 11626 P 11627 Φ 585 P 11623 BI 426 BI 427 M 17:1.3 M 17:1.7 P 11625 P 11626 P 11627 BI 426 BI 427 ... 7-14 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-36 (pp. 861-862)

Amphora. Well. Jar. Bowl ... Φ-5 861, 862 P 11628 P 11629 P 11630 P 11631 M 17:1.3 P 11628 P 11629 P 11630 P 11631 ... 8 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-37 (pp. 863-864)

Bowl Fragment. Well. Bottle Fragment. Amphora with Graffito ... Φ-5 863, 864 P 11632 P 11633 G 158 P 11634 M 17:1.3 P 11632 P 11633 G 158 P 11634 ... 8 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-38 (pp. 865-866)

Oinochoe Fragment. Well. Oinochoe. Jar. Storage Amphora ... Φ-5 865, 866 P 11635 P 11636 P 11637 P 11638 M 17:1.3 P 11635 P 11636 P 11637 P 11638 ... 9 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-39 (pp. 867-868)

Bottle Fragment. Well. Fragmentary Bottle. Amphora. Stamnos ... Φ-5 867, 868 G 159 G 160 P 11639 P 11640 M 17:1.3 M 17:1.2 G 159 G 160 P 11639 P 11640 ... 14 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-40 (pp. 869-870)

Jar. Well. Bowl Fragment. One-Handled Jar Fragment with Graffito. Jar with Graffito ... Φ-5 869, 870 P 11641 P 11642 P 11643 P 11644 M 17:1.2 P 11641 P 11642 P 11643 P 11644 ... 14 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-41 (pp. 871-872)

Basket-Handled Water Jar. Well. Jar. Oinochoe. Oinochoe with Paint Decoration ... Φ-5 871, 872 P 11645 P 11646 P 11647 P 11648 M 17:1.2 P 11645 P 11646 P 11647 P 11648 ... 14 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-42 (pp. 873-874)

Amphora. Well. Jug. Funnel with Glaze Decoration. Fragmentary Cup ... Φ-5 873, 874 P 11649 P 11650 ΠΘ 3107 P 11143 P 11651 G 161 M 17:1.2 M 17:1.1 M 17:1.3 P 11649 P 11650 P 11651 G 161 ... 14 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-43 (pp. 875-876)

Mortar Fragment. Well. Bead. Frying Pan Fragment. Bone Counter ... Φ-5 875, 876 P 11652 G 162 P 11653 P 8478 BI 428 M 17:1.1 P 11652 G 162 P 11653 BI 428 ... 15 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-44 (pp. 877-878)

Two-Handled Cup. Well. Vessel Fragments. Bowl Fragment. Lead Wheel Fragment ... Φ-5 877, 878 P 11654 G 163 G 164 IL 638 M 17:1.1 P 11654 G 163 G 164 IL 638 ... 15 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-45 (pp. 879-880)

Lamp Fragment. Well ... Φ-5 879, 880 L 3213 M 17:1.1 L 3213 ... 15 April 1937


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-46 (pp. 881-882)

Well. List of Uncatalogued Pots Sent to Household Pot Storage ... Φ-5 881, 882 Φ 737 P 22020 Φ 197 P 9651 Φ 736 P 22019 Φ 199 P 9653 Φ 735 P 22018 Φ 196 P 9650 Φ 213 P 9662 Φ 746 P 23541 Φ 733 P 22016 M 17:1


[Agora Notebook Page] Φ-5-47 (pp. 883-884)

Well. List of Uncatalogued Pots Sent to Household Pot Storage ... Φ-5 883, 884 Φ 498 P 11563 Φ 238 P 9789 Φ 728 P 22011 Φ 504 P 11568 Φ 503 P 11567 Φ 730 P 22013 Φ 502 P 11566 Φ 732 P 22015 Φ 500 P 11564 Φ 272 P 9805 Φ 273 P 9806 Φ 729 P 22012 Φ 248 P 9792 Φ 249 P 9793 ...