[Corinth Lot] LOT 2058: LT: Building O:26-27, fill covering building and extending under terrace wall 13

This lot represents time by which wall 53 out of use. Original stratum: LT: Test trench east of wall 23, -0.40 to -0.50 below top wall 23 Temp Lot Number: 145 ... LT: Building O:26-27, fill covering building and extending under terrace wall 13

[Agora Lot] Α 334: Rectangular Rock-Cut Shaft; To -12.40m

Neck and handle of large angular amphora with O on side; miscellaneous coarse. Lower Fill: Tins 308-338. This was sorted all together, and regrouped by "Kind', lettered under these numbers, as follows ... 6 September 1932 ... Neck and handle of large angular amphora with O on side; miscellaneous coarse.

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2215: LT: Building N-O:25-26, phase 2, foundation trench (?) for party wall between rooms 1, 2

2006: tray rotted on floor, mixed lots 2212-2215 Original stratum: LT: Room J: red fill against south end of wall 33 west Temp Lot Number: 272 ... NB280 B3 P40

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2227: LT: Building N-O:25-26, early couch fill (?) or area of early wall (?)

Meaning of basket unclear Original stratum: LT: Area B, Room J, southwest corner, red fill in martyra, ca. 0.40 to 0.80 m. east of wall 30, to as far north as 0.55 m. north of E-W block, both north and ... LT: Building N-O:25-26, early couch fill (?) or area of early wall (?)

[Corinth Lot] LOT 2176

Original stratum: LT: Cut 17:1964: south half, dark patch along west edge, -0.35 to -0.40 m. below surface = Building N-O:22-23 Temp Lot Number: 237 ... -0.35 to -0.40 m. below surface = Building N-O