[Corinth Report] South Stoa 2016 by Alexandra Daly & Thalia Parr (2016-04-05 to 2016-04-22): EXCAVATIONS OF SOUTH STOA, SHOP 2 REAR

FINAL REPORT: EXCAVATIONS OF SOUTH STOA, SHOP 2 REAR, SESSION 1 2016 Alexandra Daly and Thalia Parr Dates of Excavation: April 5 – April 22 Coordinates: N: 1090.40 N, S: 1085.50 N, E: 351.40 E, W: 345.20 ... excavation of Shop 2 Rear in the ... shop room in the South Stoa ... (coordinates to be taken in Session

[Corinth Report] Nezi Field 2008 by Jody Cundy and Megan Thompsen (2008-04-07 to 2008-06-13): 1961 Byzantine House, Courtyard and Surrounding Rooms at Modern through Late Byzantine Levels

The following is a summary of excavations in three areas in North of Nezi: the courtyard of a Byzantine house, the room north of the courtyard, a room south west of the courtyard and a suite of rooms south ... summary of excavations in three areas in North of Nezi: the ... Byzantine house uncovered in the