
[Agora Deposit] I 5:1: Pit Τomb, Child Inhumation

Susan Rotroff ... Grave 1. Burial of a child perhaps 6 years old, covered by broken amphora. Skeleton lay extended on its back, oriented N-S, with head at south. No grave gifts. PD 2207 ... Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean


[Agora Deposit] I 5:2: Cist Τomb, Adult Female Inhumation in ΒΓ

Susan I. Rotroff ... Grave 2. Adult female inhumation. Grave extending under the south retaining wall of the Temenos of the Royal Stoa. It is oriented ne-sw, with head at sw. Grave built of slabs of schist, with packing of ... Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean


[Agora Deposit] I 5:3: Cist Τomb, Adult Inhumation

Susan I. Rotroff ... Burial 3 beneath the floor of the Stoa Basileios. It consisted of a rectangular pit cut into bedrock to a depth of 0.44m, lined on all sides and covered with an admixture of narrow stone slabs of soft ... Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean


[Agora Deposit] I 5:4: Cist Τomb, Child Inhumation

Susan I. Rotroff ... Grave 4 under Royal Stoa. Cist Grave cut into bedrock and lined with limestone and schist slabs. There were two layers of cover slabs with a layer of dirt between. Grave measured 0.98x0,25-0,32x0,25-0,30 ... Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean


[Agora Deposit] I 5:5: Cist Tomb, adult inhumation

Susan I. Rotroff ... Grave 5. Adult (female?) inhumation. Cist grave lined and covered with slabs of limestone, sandstone and schist. Cut into virgin soil under Royal Stoa at I/12,13-5/3,4. Grave measures 1.79x0.39-0.49x ca ... Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean


[Agora Deposit] I 9:2: Burial in Metroon Drain Cut

Side-chamber at the bottom of a circular shaft. AA 27; ST 103 from shaft above burial. PD 427 ... Neolithic


[Agora Deposit] I 10:1: Well West of the Eponymous Heroes Monument

Well west of the Eponymous Heroes monument. The shaft was of irregular width (ca. 0.81m where the full circle was first preserved), sunk in soft bedrock clay much of which had collapsed around the top ... Ca. 600-550 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] J 2:10: Pit tomb

David Scahill ... Roman temple north. Adult male inhumation. Pit tomb, partially stone-lined ... Late Mycenaean or Final Mycenaean/Submycenaean