[Agora Deposit] G 12:20: Pits in Floor of Tholos

From disturbances in original floor of Tholos with ash and burning. Probably reflects the military and political conditions of 307 B.C. The broken pottery, both that left lying on the floor of the building ... Ca. 340-295 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] G 12:21: Well 2

Circular well cut through the old road after it had gone out of use, and filled probably at the time of the building of the drain and building A, and the throwing of fill over the road ... Ca. 430-400 B.C.


[Agora Deposit] G 12:22: Refuse Dump in Tholos Trench E

Located in Tholos Trench E, beneath floor, beneath layer III. Diameter 1m. Cf. P 4952 with fragment from this deposit and E-F 12-14.2. Similar the well filling, H 6:5 Originally called H 12:5 Ann Steiner ... Ca. 470-460 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] G 12:23: Refuse Dump in Tholos Trench T

Kitchen Dump in Tholos Trench T ... 375-350 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] G 13:1: Pocket in Bedrock

Green Earth at 03-04-05/ΚΑ-ΚΔ, to at least -3.50m. near the southwest corner of the market square. Terracotta figurines; lamps; fragmentary pottery ... Ca. 500-475 B.C. and later

[Agora Deposit] G 13:4: Well

Tiled well, ca. 30m south of the Tholos. Associated with Building D. Hellenistic Group A with Late Roman fill in upper 3.00m. Objects A 245 and P 4597 are from fill on floor around well-head, contemporary ... 325-260 B.C.

[Agora Deposit] G 14:2: Well

Tiled well near the SW corner of the market square between the Southwest Fountain House and the Great Drain, three fills noted: lower fill of earth and stones with a few fragments only of coarse pottery ... 4th-2nd c. B.C. 100-70 B.C.